Achilleas Gravanis
Professor of Pharmacology, School of Medicine University of Crete, Researcher IMBB-FORTH, Affiliated Research Professor, Center of Drug Discovery, Northeastern University
Achilleas Gravanis, Professor of Pharmacology Medical School University of Crete.
Researcher Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology FORTH, Affiliated Research Professor Center of Drug Discovery Northeastern University Boston.
Served as Member and Chairman of many research committees of the European including the Life Sciences Programme Committee of the FP6 and FP7 European Commission research frameworks, Member of the Fellowships Committee Federation European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), Member of the Council, Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Chairman of Bioscience Committee, Hellenic National Council of Research & Technology.
Elected Member of the Scientific Board, Hellenic Foundation of Research & Innovation. Co-founder of biotechnology spinoff Bionature Ltd, affiliated principal investigator Emulate SA (spinoff Harvard University). Venture partner BigPi VC.
He has published 155 papers in PubMed (h-Index:50).