Angelos Stergiou
Professor at the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Editor-in-Chief of the “Social Security Law” legal journal (Sakkoulas Publications)
Angelos STERGIOU studied law at the University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and social law at the Université Paris I, Panthéon, Sorbonne (France), where he gained his Ph.D.cum laude on a thesis entitled “L’organisation interne des sydicats en droit grec” (1985). Since 1982 he has working as barrister at law in Thessaloniki, and since 1990 has been Professor of Social Law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Thessaloniki. He currently collaborates with the Toulouse University (France) He has published extensively on social law issues: L’ organisation interne des syndicats (1985) (in French), Le juge communautaire et la coordination des systems de securité sociale (1997), Disability (in Greek), La protection sociale au Canada (2003). Among others : one chapter on the protection of fundamental social rights within the EU in T. Sakellaropoulos and J. Berghman, Connecting welfare diversity the European social model, 2004 Contribution to J. Van Vugt – J. Peet, Social security and solidarity in the European Union, 2000 T. Sakellaropoulos – A. Stergiou (eds), Posted workers in Europe Rapport «Public private partnerships in the pension system, European Institute of Social Security, Colloque, Athènes, 2009. He specialises also in the free movement of workers and persons in E.U. He has participated at courses on this matter (Rumania)