Christos Giordamlis
Managing Director, Prisma Electronics
Christos Giordamlis, who studied Electrical Engineering and Management & Marketing, has been CEO of Prisma Electronics since 1996 and is a Board Member of companies focusing on new technologies.
He is the elected President of the Association of Industries & Crafts of Evros and of the Network of Associations of Crafts & Industries of the Arctic Regions. Since 1991 when Prisma Electronics first started its operation, it has implemented hundreds of projects involving: IT projects in Industries and Enterprises of Thrace, IT projects in the Public Sector of Thrace (Municipalities, Hospitals, DUTH, TEI of Kavala, Prefecture Administration), design and implementation of AN, WAN, Fiber, Wi – Fi, as well as Ethernet networks in businesses and organizations of the region, Software development and implementation of ERP-CRM, MRP, e-bussiness, cost analysis – accounting systems – Financial Planning, Personnel Management systems, design of Electronic circuits and their production, Quality Control procedures of systems and production of electronic subsystems for Leopard 2, Mirage 2000 – 5 etc. α.
Christos Giordamlis is actively involved in the development of Prisma Electronics’ products with emphasis on knowledge management from sensors and people [PrismaSense IOT (Internet of things), LAROS remote monitoring system for ships with emphasis on their lower consumption and predictive maintenance, XENAGOS cultural knowledge management system with a visitor-centric approach. Directs the company’s Research projects such as the cooperation with international organizations e.g. ESA, Airbus, CERN etc.