Doukas Marinopoulos

Doukas Marinopoulos

Counselor for Economic & Commercial Affairs (MFA), President of the Diplomatic Officers for Economic & Commercial Affairs Association 

Graduate of Athens Law School and the National School of Public Administration having a master’s degree from the Athens University concerning the timeless particularities of the Balkan region states (South Eastern Europe Studies). 

Having worked as a freelance lawyer and also as a legal advisor to one of the most prominent Greek construction companies (C.I. Sarantopoulos SA later acquired by the largest Greek construction Group AKTOR) he took the decision to follow an economic diplomacy career.  

He has served in the Offices for Economic and Commercial Affairs of Bucharest (1998-2003), Nicosia (2006-2011), Constantinople (2014-2019 as Head of the Office), Budapest (2021 -2024 as Head of the Office) and Skopje (2024 – now). 

During his stay in Athens he served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. More specifically in the B8 Directorate for Business Development (2003-2006), B2 Directorate for Western Balkan countries (2011-2014) as well as in the office of the Secretary General of International Economic Relations & Extroversion (2019-2021). 

He also participated in the working groups with Dutch Experts (2012-2014) as representative of the Economic and Commercial Affairs corps on issues of economic diplomacy and extroversion, contributing to the modernization and gradual improvement of the services provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Greek extrovert entrepreneurship. 

Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Counselor for Economic & Commercial Affairs (MFA), President of the Diplomatic Officers for Economic & Commercial Affairs Association
Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Counselor for Economic & Commercial Affairs (MFA), President of the Diplomatic Officers for Economic & Commercial Affairs Association