Dr. Antonios Avgerinos
President of the Hellenic Red Cross, Pharmacist, Major General (Retired)
General Manager, Association of Representatives of Pharmaceutical Specialities and Specialties (S.A.F.E.E.E.)
Dr Antonios Avgerinos was born in Serres where he finished high school. He entered the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Thessaloniki and graduated with “Excellent” grade.
He continued his studies in the “Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry”, in Chelsea College of the University of London, specialising in anti-doping control, as an Assistant of Professor Arnold Becket, founder of Anti-doping Control at the Olympic Games.
He received his Master of Philosophy (research title: “Biopharmaceutical and Pharmacokinetic studies on some ibuprofen formulations”) from the University of Brighton in the UK with “Excellent” grade.
He continued his postgraduate studies with the doctoral dissertation (research title: “Controlled release in domethacin microspheres prepared by using an emulsion solvent-diffusion technique” at the University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Pharmacy with “Excellent” degree.
Antonios Avgerinos has served as a Director of the Military Pharmacy of Thessaloniki (1972-1976), Director of Military Pharmaceutical Laboratories of the Greek Army (1976-1993), Commander of 441 Medical Supplies Base Warehouse (ABYY) (1993-2000), Director of the Pharmaceutical Corps of the Hellenic Army General Staff, and Deputy Director of the Medical Corps of the Hellenic Army General Staff (2000- 2004).
From October 2004 to 2010, he served as Commander and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Hospital of Athens “G. GENNIMATAS”.
The management work of Antonios Avgerinos consists in his participation in Scientific Clubs – Associations – Institutes of national importance, such as: President of the Panhellenic Association of Pharmacists, General Secretary of the Greek Society of Pharmaceutical Technology, Member of the Board of Directors of the Greek Pharmaceutical Company, President of the Greek Association of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Member of the Board of Directors of the Pharmaceutical Research and Technology Institute and now Secretary General, Vice-President of the Institute for Professional Education and Development of Pharmacists, founding member and Secretary General of the Board of the Scientific Society of Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs, Member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Red Cross and Chairman, Secretary General of the Board of the “HENRY DUNANT” Hospital, Member of the Board of the “ONASSIS” Cardiac Surgery Centre, Alternate Member of the Board of the National Organisation for Medicines.
He has authored and published over 60 original works in reputable scientific journals. Moreover, he has participated in international Scientific Conferences and, regularly over 10 years, in the annual World Congress of Pharmacy (FIP), as well as in international Seminars, Symposia and Conferences on topics of Pharmaceutical Science and Economic Health. He was President of the Organising Committee of three Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Congress es (1992, 2000, 2002) and Representative of the Ministry of National Defence in the eight-member Collegial Body called “National Chemical Weapons Authority”, which comes under the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
02.04.2007: He was awarded the First Class Medal of Saint Dionysios Areopagitis of the Archdiocese of Athens, in a special ceremony, officiated by His Beatitude, Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece. The honour pertained to his overall contribution to the work of the Archdiocese.
29.01.2017: He received the Best Pharmacist Award from the Panhellenic Union of Pharmacists for his entire offer and his work in the field and especially for his extensive offer to the Panhellenic Association of Pharmacists.
16.02.2022: Award of “Commemoration of Migration Aid B” Class”. The honorary distinction was awarded by the Minister of Immigration & Asylum, Mr. Noti Mitaraki, for the big onecontribution to the immigration issue.
31.03.2022: First special award “Aristindin” in the award Pharmaceutical Excellence 2022, on the occasion of the project as President of the Hellenic Red Cross which embraces all its aspects society.
04.10.2022: Award by the President of the Special Olympics, Mr. Dionysios Kodellas, for the constant support to the actions of the Special Olympics Hellas.
07.10.2022: Awarding of a special award by the Region of Attica for his humanitarian and social contribution.