Dr. Christos P. Nounis
ΒοD Chairman of the Hellenic Union of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision and BoD Chairman of Institution for Occupational Retirement Provision of the Ministry of Finance
Christos Nounis affords long-run experience in areas of capital markets, asset management and occupational insurance funds management. He has been working for the Greek Ministry of Finance since 2004. In April 2015, he was elected as BoD Chairman of Institution for Occupational Retirement Provision of the Ministry of Finance. Previously, he has served as a financial analyst, in private sector, in the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Directorate of Research) and at the Centre of Planning and Economic Research (Head of Directorate of Administration). In June 2018, Mr. Nounis was elected as BoD Chairman of the newly established Hellenic Union of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (HUIORP) while since 2019 he is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Hellenic Financial Literacy Institute. From July 2023 he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Pension Mutual Fund Management Company S.A., the Mutual Funds Corporation of EFKA, having been a member of its Investment Committee from 2012 to June 2023. He has extensive management experience from participation in boards, committees and working groups in Greece and abroad.
Μr. Nounis has also an important experience as an assistant Professor in numerous University institutions. During the last six years, he has been teaching courses at the Hellenic Open University in the Postgraduate & Graduate programs “Banking” & “Management and Business Organisation”. He has participated in many scientific financial conferences and some of his papers have been published in very important international journals (Economic History Review Journal, European Financial Management Journal etc). He holds a Diploma in Economics, a Master’s and Ph.D. in Finance from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Economics. He is also owner of the certificate titles of ‘‘Analyst of stocks and the market’’ and ‘‘Portfolio management” by Hellenic Capital Market Commission.