Dr. Konstantinos Karantzalos
Secretary General of Telecommunications and Post
Konstantinos Karantzalos (http://users.ntua.gr/karank) is a Professor of Remote Sensing at the National Technical University of Athens. His teaching and research interests include geoscience and earth observation, geospatial big data, hyperspectral image analysis, computer vision and machine learning with applications e.g. in environmental monitoring and precision agriculture. He has several publications in top-rank international journals & conferences and a number of awards and honors for his research contributions.
He has more than 20 years of research experience, involved with more than 30 EU and national excellence/ competitive research projects. Dr. Karantzalos, IEEE Senior Member, serves as Scientific/ Program Committee and reviewer for top rank international journals/conferences and as an Evaluator/ Panel Member for the evaluation of EU and national research programmes (H2020, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Israel Science Foundation, Belgian Science Policy Office, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, etc). Dr. Karantzalos currently Chairing the ISPRS Working Group WGIII/2 ‘Spectral and Thermal Data Processing and Analytics’.