Elisabeth Cardoso
Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Athens
Ambassador of Luxembourg to the United Arab Emirates (2017-2021)
Embassy of Luxembourg, Abu Dhabi
Deputy Director for Defence (2014-2017)
Defense Directorate, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Luxembourg
Counselor for international relations (Asia) and trade issues
Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the European Union, Brussels (2012-2014)
Development cooperation analyst
Department for Development Cooperation, OECD, Paris (2011-2012)
Deputy Head of Mission
Luxembourg Embassy in France, Paris (2006-2011)
Head of Multilateral Development Cooperation
Directorate for Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Luxembourg (2001-2006)
Front Officer – private banking
Banco Itaú, Luxembourg (1999-2001)
– DESS (Master 2) in International Relations, Strasbourg and Paris (France)
– Licence (Bachelor) in History, Strasbourg (France)