Evangelos Charatsis
Chairman & Managing Director, BETA Securities
I was born in 1962 in Athens. I graduated with a BSc in Accounting and Finance from the American College of Greece (Deree College). I got my MSc in Shipping Trade & Finance from the City University Business School (Bayes Business School). After my graduation I joined Barclays Bank where I worked in the dealing room for foreign exchange and money market operations. Then I joined Tsakos Shipping & Trading where I worked in the chartering department mainly dealing with tanker chartering. In 1990 I found BETA financial consultants which in 1995 evolved to BETA Securities where I still am the President, Managing Director and major shareholder till today. The last seven years I am also the Secretary General for the Union of the Athens Stock Exchange Member Companies. I have also been in the board of directors of the Investor’s Guarantee Fund which I also represented in the recent legislative committee that transformed the relevant law.