Marina Vassilicos
General Manager, Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association
Marina Vassilicos is the General Manager of the Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association. Born in France, Marina holds a B.Sc (Econ) Degree in International Relations and an M.Sc (Econ) Degree in European Studies, both from the London School of Economics.
Marina has extended experience in the banking and financial sectors. She started her career with Banque Indosuez in Paris, France. Upon her return to Greece she worked for HSBC, Arab-Hellenic Bank, Piraeus Bank and Xios Bank in the Corporate Banking, Retail Banking and Financial Institutions Divisions.
She joined the Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association in 1999, first as International Affairs Manager and then as General Manager since 2009.
She is a Member of the Board of Directors of EFAMA (European Fund and Asset Management Association) since 1999. Αs a representative of the Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association she holds the following positions: Vice-Chair of Hellenic Financial Ombudsman, Member of the Advisory Committee to the Board of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, Member of the Working Committee of the Hellenic Corporate Governance Council, Member of the ATHEX Index Series Advisory Committee at the Hellenic Stock Exchange.