Nectarios Notis
Founder / CEO, Notice Content and Services (FnB Daily – BnB Daily), Co- Founder, ESGreece
Nectarios Notis is a journalist and communication advisor.
He has studied Communication and Media at Panteion University (B.Sc.), where he also followed a doctorate on the legal framework of tobacco advertising ban.
Nectarios is the founder and CEO of Notice Content and Services, a firm issuing: FnB Daily, a daily B2B digital newsletter on food and beverage sector – BnB Daily, a daily B2B digital newsletter on business news – Horecaopen.com, a B2B site on Horeca sector. He is also Co- Founder of ESGreece.
He has been working, as financial commentator, for Capital.gr, Mega Channel, ANT1 TV, ERT, ERT Digital, news.gr, Kefalaio magazine, Kefalaio newspaper and Athens 984FM.
Nectarios has run media training and crisis management for prominent firms.
He is the communication advisor of the IAPR (Independent Authority for Public Revenue) Governor.