Panayiotis Elia
Policy Advisor on Pension & Financial Affairs, European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP)
Panayiotis is Policy Advisor at the European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP), a Brussels-based advocacy organisation representing social protection institutions established and managed by employers and trade unions. Through his role, he leads the Association’s policy and advocacy activities at European level in topics such as IORP II, Sustainable Finance and ESG, Capital Markets Union, Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence, Solvency II, Coordination of Social Security Systems, Adequacy and Financial Sustainability of Pensions, Stress Tests, etc. Panayiotis is also an accredited lawyer at the Cyprus Bar Association and holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Labour Law and Employment Relations and an LL.M in Commercial Law. Before joining AEIP, he has worked for a global consulting firm and as a lawyer providing services on employment law, social security law and social protection issues. Panayiotis has been working closely with DG FISMA, DG EMPL, DG ECFIN, EIOPA and European Labour Authority (ELA).