Paris Tsartas
Professor of Tourism Development, Harokopio University of Athens Former Rector of the University of Aegean University
Professor of Tourism Development at the Department of Economics and Sustainable Development, School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics of the Harokopio University of Athens. He has served as Rector of the University of the Aegean (2010-2014), member (2010-2014) and Chairman (2014) of the Conference of Rectors, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education of Greece (2014-2015), Director of the Postgraduate Programs: TOURHER (2017-2020), at the Hellenic Open University (2013 -2016 και 2020-2022) and at the University of the Aegean (2002-2009). Director of the Department of Business Administration (2002-2009) and of the Laboratory for Tourism Research & Studies (2000-2010) at University of the Aegean. He is an Editor in Chief of “Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism. Member of the Reviewers Group European University Association (EUA) and of the Tourist Research Center (TRC). He is the author of a number of articles in English, Greek and French and of many books on Tourism and Sustainable Tourism Development, Special and Alternative Forms of Tourism, Tourism Policy, Sociology and Tourism etc.