Spyros Athanasiou
General Secretary of the Board of H.D.F.
My name is Spyros Athanasiou. I am 47 years old, parent of two children aged 22 and 20. My occupation is Public Health Inspector (Technological Educated Hygienist) and I work at the Department of Public Health & Environmental Hygiene, Department of Sanitary Control of the Ioannina Region. In addition, I am in the 5th year of the School of Biological Applications and Technologies, University of Ioannina. For 33 years I have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus since the age of 14 years. I am actively involved in the diabetes community, from the patients’ side and participate in its collective bodies. Specifically, I am for the 3rd term President of the Board of the Panepirotic Association for Juvenile Diabetes (P.A.J.D.), based in Ioannina and for the 2nd term General Secretary of the Board of the Hellenic Diabetes Federation (H.D.F.), based in Athens. Finally, I’ve been representative of H.D.F, as a member of the General Assembly of International Diabetes Federation.