Stamatina Koutroumpi
Clinical Trial Manager, IQVIA Biotech
Stamatina Koutroumpi has studied Biology and has an MSc in ’Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Biomedicine’, from the Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras. She started her career in Clinical Research as a Clinical Research Associate at Pharmassist in 2011 and continued at Creative Pharma Services, in 2014, where she was promoted to the role of Clinical Manager in 2015. From this position she worked with multinational pharmaceutical companies, coordinating and overviewing the execution of interventional and non-interventional clinical trials in various therapeutic areas, in Greece. Starting from February 2021 she has been working as a Clinical Trial Manager in IQVIA Biotech. From this role she is responsible for clinical trial monitoring activities and guidance of clinical monitoring teams in various countries. She is a member of EL.E.F.I since 2018.