Ann Verlinden
Secretary-General of PensioPlus, the Belgian Association of Pension Institutions
As an actuary, Ann Verlinden has been very engaged with pension funds since the beginning of her career. Enriched with the experiences of a consultant in pension fund management and employee benefits, Ann joins PensioPlus as a senior advisor in 2012. She distinguishes herself within both national and European working groups, amongst which the national commission for supplementary pensions, the Institute for Actuaries in Belgium, PensionsEurope and AEIP. As a Secretary General, Ann takes the responsibility for the sector’s lobbying activities at national and European level for the set up and coordination of working groups, the organisation of training and numerous activities, amongst which the annual Financial Seminar. Within PensioPlus, Ann takes the lead in files such as IORP II, stress tests, the pension tracking service, and many others.