Αργύρης Οικονόμου
Γενικός Διευθυντής, Νομικών Υπηρεσιών & Εταιρικής Διακυβέρνησης, ΔΕΗ
- Born in May 1960 in Piraeus, Greece
- Divorced, father of two children
- Graduated in 1978 from Ionidios Model School of Piraeus and was accepted in Law School of the University of Athens that same year
- UoA Law Faculty and Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration graduate (1978- 1986)
- Languages: English and French
- 2005 to present, General Counsel / Chief Legal Officer of “Public Power Corporation SA”
- 2018-2019, non-executive member of the “Egnatia SA” Board of Directors
- 2009-2012 Alternate member of the Hellenic Competition Commission
- 2009-2010 Vice Chairman and 2010-2013, Chairman of the Legal Affairs Group of “Eurelectric”
- 2012-2013, member of the Board of “TAYTEKO” (Social Security Fund of Utilities’ Employees)
- 2008 to present, General Secretary of the “Hellenic Electricity Association”
- 2014-2017 member of the Board and 2017 to present General Secretary of the “Energy Law Greek Association”
- 1989-2004. Associate, Partner and then Managing Partner of the Law Firm ”Stratigis and Associates”
- 1992-1993, acted as legal counsel on the first international privatization of a state owned company, namely the shipyard “Olympic Marine SA”
- 1994, acted as legal counsel of “Alpha Finance” on the privatization of “Hellenic Shipyards SA”
- 1991-2005, legal counsel of the pharmaceutical company “Roche (Hellas) SA”. During this tenure acted as legal counsel on the acquisition of “Inco Hellas SA”.
- 2000-2004, outside legal counsel of the General Secretariat on the 2004 Olympic Games
As a partner of the aforementioned law firm, I led the team of lawyers who conducted the legal audit for either initial or secondary Public Offerings in Stockmarkets (Athens and abroad) of shares of companies from almost every economic sector, including OTE (Hellenic Organization of Telecommunications), DEH (Public Power Corporation), Bank of Chios, Bank of Cyprus, Eurobank, Lambrakis Press, Interamerican Life Insurance, Viohalco, Caravel Hotel, Babis Vovos, Vardas, Space Hellas, Nireus Aquaculture and others.
Member of the Committee drafting the law 3604/2007, which reformed the 2190/1920 law on Societes Anonymes. Actively involved in the drafting of laws regarding Maritime Industrial Regions (1994), Athens Olympic Games (1998), PPC’s Property (Law 2941/2001), the liberalization of the Energy Market (Laws 3426/2005, 4001/2011 and 4237/2014) and, currently, the amendment of the Law 3016/2002 on Corporate Governance.
Active member of the Association of Greek Lawyers Association on Commercial Law and of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC Europe)