Έφη Πρεσβεία
Chief Technology and Operating Officer, Attica Bank
Effie joined Attica in June 2020. She is member of the ExCo of the bank Leading the Areas of IT & Digital Technology, Organization Department & Backoffice Operations
From 2016 to 2020, Effie was a Director in Accenture, Cyprus Lead and Digital Technologies. In parallel to her involvement in managing Accenture clients, she was leading the areas of Digital & New Business, as well as Cyprus in the Financial services field. Also for 2 years she held a consultancy position at Viochalco’s Digital Transformation & Innovation Board, reporting directly to theOwners. Additionally, for several years she was the only female representative since of Information, Technology & Communication -EIΠ of EEDE.
Effie has over 18 years of experience in Financial Services. She started her professional career at Accenture and in few years she joined Eurobank. In 2005 she joined Eurobank’s group International IT department and took over the Program Management of Polbank’s establishment, Eurobank’s subsidiary in Poland. In 2007 she was appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Eurobank Stedionica S.A., in Belgrade, Serbia. From 2010- 2016, she was appointed Director of e-Business Sector of Eurobank Group and then she rejoined Accenture Greece’s Technology Consulting as a Senior Manager. Effie holds a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Piraeus.
During her career in the Financial Services, Effie has led large scale Digital Transformations and IT projects in Greece and Southeastern Europe. Currently in her role in Attica Bank, a retail bank of 45 branches & the 5 th pillar of Greek Banking Sector, one of her major initiatives is the digital transformation of banks’ technology, processes and procedures. The success of the digital transformation journey will enable the bank achieving its goals in the next 3 years, in terms of market share and repositioning in the Greek & European market.
Effie is supervising 3 sectors of 180 people in total and a yearly budget of 30M euro. Currently Attica bank, being the first Greek bank free of NPLs, is executing a Share Capital Increase. Effie is involved in discussions and negotiations with major International Financial & Funding Groups.
In the framework of her role in Accenture FS, Effie was the Account Manager of 3 Greek Banks & Overall Responsible for FS New Business in Greece & FS Business in Cyprus.
Sample relevant engagements inside Accenture and prior, while in Eurobank, include:
• Agean Baltic Bank: Digital Business Strategy, e-Business Operational Model design & delivery, e-business Roles & Responsibilities definition, Organizational Department Setup, Testing Center setup, e-Business Operational Risk Management Governance and Risk assessment, Temenos Core banking & TCIB design, implementation & integration, e-banking Operational & System Security management
• HB: Strategy and Implementation of the merger of HB and CCB in Cyprus. Currently: Bank transformation strategy program definition.
• National Bank of Greece: Digital transformation Strategy- IT Master Plan 2017-19 preparation – Responsible for the definition of the strategic and mandatory (regulatory & compliance) Business &
IT Initiatives for the Bank’s Transformation Master Plan 2017 – 19, in order to focus/ align the IT and Business resources to the right initiatives to comply with banks strategic goals.
• National Bank of Greece: Divestment of Subsidiaries: Divestment program of NBG subsidiaries; particularly managing the IT strategic decision-making concerning the IT separation of the subsidiaries as well as the overall program PMO.
• Polbank establishment, Manager international IT Eurobank: Managing the IT, Organization, Operations & Testing activities for the founding of Polbank, this successfully initiated banking operations with 30 branches in the record time of 6 months.
Effie has served for 6 years as Director of e-Business Sector of Eurobank Group (2010-2016), winning several awards from international and domestic organizations and achieving outstanding performance results for digital KPIs in the Greek market. The same period, she retained the CEO position of Business Exchanges S.A., a subsidiary of Eurobank S.A, offering electronic B2B services and accounting services’ business development, support and outsourcing. Effie’s experience encompasses banking digital business, technology, commercial development and e-government, people/personnel management, project & program management, strategic planning, resource utilization/allocation/recruitment, revenue growth, and cost reduction. Also has served for 3 year as Chief Information Officer & Member of Executive Board in Eurobank Serbia (2007-2010). Responsible for management, planning and administration of the operational merge of Eurobank and NSB Stedionica Informational platforms within 7 months. Led the Program management of core system implementation and merging bank activities in Serbia targeting the enforcement of the Bank’s position in the Serbian market. Responsible for group IT processes and procedures establishment and localization i.e. new s/w releases management methodology, prioritization and testing methodologies.