Κωνσταντίνος Σπάργιας MD, PhD
Διευθυντής Τμήματος Διαδερμικών Βαλβίδων, Νοσοκομείο ΥΓΕΙΑ
Konstantinos Spargias is a UK and Canada trained Cardiologist specialized in Interventional Cardiology and in particular Valvular interventions. He completed his PhD thesis in the University of Leeds while in training there and his clinical interventional fellowship in Vancouver, trained and mentored by pioneers such as Dr J Webb and I Pen. He returned to Greece to work as Interventional Cardiologist at Onassis Heart Center where after some extensive coronary work he became an early adopter of the emerging Valvular interventions.
He later moved to HYGEIA Hospital where he organized and directs the first of its kind Department of Transcatheter Heart Valves to date. He was the first Cardiologist in Greece to perform TAVI in 2007, MitraClip in 2011, Transcatheter Mitral Valve replacement (Intrepid) in 2014, PASCAL in 2016, Transcatheter Tricuspid valve repair in 2016, and Transcatheter Tricuspid valve replacement (EVOQUE) in 2024. He has participated in most of the device trials that shaped the field and has been proctoring extensively for the above procedures in Europe, USA, Japan, EMEA. He is prolific with an h-index of 35, 96 PubMed indexed publications, including in NEJM, Lancet, JACC, Circulation and EHJ and over 4000 citations.