Petros Evgenikos
President of the Executive Committee for Rail Transport of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers
Civil Eng. – Transportation Eng. (N.T.U.A.) with postgraduate studies (MSc.) in Engineering Project Management. Since 2020 he is President of the Executive Committee for Rail Transport of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers. He has worked for more than 20 years as a Civil – Transportation Engineer in private and public projects, and as Research Associate in the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering (School of Civil Engineering) of N.T.U.A. in more than 10 research projects. Since 2007 he is member of the Ministry of Development & Investments dealing with the management of EC co-financed infrastructure projects, while since 2008 he is external expert of the EC for the evaluation of road and rail infrastructure projects in the Trans-European Transport Network, as well as research projects in the field of transport. He has published more than 40 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and international conferences on project management, road safety and transport issues.