Stavros Konstantas
Director of the Department of Private Insurance Supervision, Bank of Greece
Mr. Stavros Konstantas has a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics from the University of Athens and has successfully completed a postgraduate study in Mathematics in the University of Athens and he is since 1994 Certified Actuary and Fellow of the Hellenic Actuarial Society. He has 33 years of experience in the Insurance sector serving multiple positions. He has held Senior Executive positions in multinationals and Greek Insurance Companies domiciled in Greece in positions such as : Chief Actuary, Operations Manager, CFO, COO, Chief Bank assurance Officer and CEO. He has been appointed as Chairman and Member of the BoD of Subsidiaries of Companies he has been employed in Greece and abroad ( Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria ) and in institutional bodies of the Insurance sector as the Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies, the Hellenic Institute of Insurance Studies and Hellenic Actuarial Society. As from 1.1.2023 with a decision of the General Council of the Bank of Greece, he has been appointed Director of the Department of Insurance Supervision. He is a member of the BoD of EIOPA and member of the Risk and Financial Stability Committee of EIOPA.