Aggelos Pagonis
President and CEO, BIOKOSMOS SA
The health industry won me over from a very young age as a career goal.
In 1987, I was the sales director in Greece of a multinational company of French interests, active in the field of radioisotopes – radiopharmaceuticals, and a few years later I became the Regional Director also of the Middle East and Turkey.
In 2000 I am processing with the implementation of the biggest advanced technology investment that has ever happened until then in the field of nuclear molecular imaging in Greece, by installing the first cyclotron for the production of short-lived radioisotopes – radiopharmaceuticals.
In 2004 the first production site commences its operation and in 2020 the second production site of Northern Greece. This, my great project, would not have been achieved if my direct collaborators, the BIOKOSMOS personnel had not supported it, each one from his position. For that, I really thank them.
Proud for the past and the future of this company, what really drives me is its future. The vision, «Science and Technological development in the immediate availability of diagnosis and treatment for better health” and its realization is certainly not a matter of just one company, but we intend to have, as in the past also in the future, a leading role in this.