Anargyros Chrysanthou
Researcher and Digital Forensics specialist, Athena Research Center
Anargyros Chrysanthou is a Researcher and Digital Forensics specialist, who is employed by Athena Research Center, while simultaneously providing digital forensics / expert witness services as a freelancer. He has fourteen years of professional experience in the information security field, in general, and in the digital forensics field, in particular. Before being employed by Athena and entering the freelance market, he was employed for 3+ years as a Managed Security Services Manager in Neurosoft SA, simultaneously running, operational and technical wise, all digital forensics investigations (BEC, ransomware, hacked servers, etc), which Neurosoft run.
Previously, he was employed for approximately 10 years as an ICT Auditor (in the Hellenic Data Protection Authority), specializing in the use of personal data, ranging from personal data processing notifications to handling spam cases and data breaches, performing security audits on-site and analysing digital evidence by means of digital forensic examinations.
He is a regular participant in national (Panoptis) and international cyber defense exercises (Nato Cybercoalition exercise, Cybereurope, etc). He has also been a member of the design team in several national cyber defense exercises designing episodes that relate to digital forensics. He has also designed challenges for international specialized computer security conferences and competitions. In the past 4 years years he has been teaching GDPR and Information Security Seminars.