Evangelia Koraki
President Hellenic Association of CROs – HACRO, President & CEO Coronis Research
Founder, President and CEO of CORONIS Research SA since 2003.
Evangelia Koraki studied Chemistry at the University of Athens. She has more than 15 years of expertise and management experience in the field of Medical & Regulatory Affairs in global pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, Warner Lambert, Pfizer, Actelion Pharmaceuticals, and 20 years in senior positions in clinical research. She has contributed to the development of numerous products, including orphan drugs, in international markets, and has deep knowledge of regulatory affairs processes at a national, European, and international level. She participates in many working groups relevant to clinical research in Greece, with the aim of promoting and harmonizing it with European standards.
She has been a founding member and a Member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Association of CROs – HACRO, since its establishment in 2013. In 2017, she was elected as President of HACRO and holds this position to this day.