Grigorios Gerotziafas
Professor of Hematology, Faculty of Medicine Sorbonne University, Paris, Head of the Thrombosis Department, Tenon Hospital, Paris & Director of the cancer and thrombosis research group INSERM U938
Grigorios Gerotziafas is a Professor of Hematology at the Faculty of Medicine Sorbonne Univesity, Paris, head of the thrombosis department at Tenon Hospital in Paris and director of the cancer and thrombosis research group INSERM U938.
His fundamental research focuses on vascular mimicry and the microenvironment created by the interactions of cancer cells with blood coagulation, platelets and endothelial cells. The mechanism of action of the anithrombotic agents is also fondamental research topic of the group.
Pr Gerotziafas leads innovative translational research projects in the development of risk assessment models for cancer associated thrombosis, for the risk of resistance to anticancer treatment; the failure of in vitro fertilization and in the identification of patients at risk for severe COVID-19.
He is the principal investigator of the COMPASS-CAT and ROADMAP-Thrombosis projects, which have led to a new scores for the assessment of the risk of thrombosis in patients with solid tumors or hematological malignancies.
As an expert, he participates in international groups for elaboration of consensus statements and guidelines for the prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism. He leads the Guidelines for the management of vascular complications of COVID-19 elaborated by the VAS-European Independent Foundation in Angiology/Vascular Medicine and he is Chairman of the Committee on Therapeutic Protocols for the Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolic Diseases of the Greek Ministry of Health.
He chairs the Scientific Committee of the Independent Vascular Organization (VAS) and is a member of the Board of Cancelors of the Foundation of the European and Mediterranean League Against Thromboembolic Diseases.
He is a Visiting Professor at Loyola School of Medicine (Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapy) in Chicago and School of Medicine at Hofstra / Northwell (Department of Medicine, Anticoagulation and Clinical Thrombosis Services) in New York, USA.
He has published extensively in international journals with reviewers and has authored various book chapters. He has served on the boards of many international journals and is a member of many professional associations.