Lilian Venetia Vildiridi
Secretary General for Health Services, Ministry of Health
Lilian Venetia Vildiridi is an Economist specialising in health policy, planning and financing.
She holds a BSc in Social Policy and Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), an MSc in Health Policy, Planning and Financing from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and is currently a PhD candidate at the School of Health Sciences of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
She has held the title of Office Director of the Alternate Minister of Health, Mina Gaga (February 2022 – May 2023) and of the acting Minister of Health Anastasia Kotanidou (June 2023), advisor to the Alternate Minister of Health Mina Gaga (September 2021 – January 2022), as well as advisor to the Deputy Minister of Health Vasilis Kontozamanis (July 2019 – August 2021).
Miss Vildiridi was the coordinator of the Task Force responsible for monitoring and accelerating the implementation of the actions and projects included in the Next Generation EU program (Recovery and Resilience Facility, RRF), which fall under the competence of the Ministry of Health and President of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the project “Renovations and Modernization of Hospitals throughout Greece”. In 2020, she was appointed to represent Greece, at the European Commission Steering Committee for the joint procurement of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.
Her research focuses on health systems and policy, with a particular emphasis on performance assessment (HSPA) and Human Resource Management in Health Care, exploring topics such as healthcare regulation, access to healthcare, healthcare quality, healthcare financing and patient outcomes.
Miss Vildiridi has also been appointed national delegate of Greece to the OECD Health Committee and the relevant Working Parties (WP on Health Statistics, WP on Health Care Quality and Outcomes, WP for the OECD Patient Reported Indicator Survey), the OECD Health Data National Correspondents and the Health Account Experts.
She has published variety of research papers in international journals on the topic of healthcare policy.