Michalis Chrysochoidis
Minister of Health
Michalis Chrysochoidis has a rich and diverse experience in security policy, energy, infrastructure, markets and trade. He was elected and has served for several years as Member of the Greek Parliament. He has served as Minister for Citizen Protection, for Infrastructures, Transports and Networks, for Growth, Competitiveness and Shipping and as Deputy Minister for Growth and Trade.
He is the longest-serving Minister in charge of Internal Security. His terms have been marked by significant programs of modernization of Public Security and Services, organization of the Hellenic Police, fighting crime, reforming anti-terrorist policy, protecting the borders. The results of those policies were coupled with European and international collaborations, touching upon the implementation of education and training programs, exchange of information and technological support of the Hellenic Police.
Countering terrorism was the landmark of those policies, with the referral to trial and the final conviction of the members of the terrorist organization “Revolutionary Organization 17N”. The dismantling of this organization has become an example of efficacy in modern counter-terrorism operations. The organization was bloodlessly disbanded, confirming commitment in the rule of law and proving the value of modern counter-terrorism approaches.
The Directorate for Financial Crime, the Cybercrime Directorate, the Police Patrol Teams on Two Wheels (DI.AS), the Directorate for Internal Affairs, as well as other modern services were established and operated during his terms.
During his term and for the first time since the transition to democracy, the parliament has voted a bill that regulates the right of assembly, provided by Constitution. Finally, the electronic border surveillance system and the fence on the eastern border of the country with Turkey were constructed and put into operation.
In May 2023 elections, he was re-elected to the Hellenic Parliament, first in votes, with the party of New Democracy in the Western Sector of Athens.
In the new government of June 2023, he was entrusted by the Prime Minister with the portfolio of the Ministry of Health.