Mina Zoulovits
Partner Lawyer at Zoulovits Kontogeorgou Law Firm
Mina Zoulovits is an expert with vast experience in consulting on legal issues related to Digital Transformation of private companies, as well as the public sector and deals with complex strategic legal matters for a series of clients from diverse market fields like cosmetics, tobacco, fashion industry, petroleum, transportation, electric equipments, Platforms, Applications, Physical Archiving etc.
She has vast expertise in the area of data protection and privacy law for more than 15 years ranging from compliance assessments, strategic decision making, implementation of procedures, drafting of key legal documents (Notifications to DPAs, privacy notices to data subjects, consent forms, data processing agreements, data transfer agreements, BCRs, standard contractual clauses, Privacy Policies, Employees Privacy Data Policies etc) to incident handling as well as representing clients in hearings before the local DPA.
At the same time, Mina has consulted the local government on e-government related issues that include complicated issues of security, privacy, digital signature, and dematerialization of administration documents.
She was a member in the law making committees for the implementation of Directives 2011/83/EU and 2013/11/EU as well as in the drafting of the Consumer Code for Distance Sales and the amendment of law 2251/1994 on consumer protection.
She has also participated in many EU funded legal projects that include the assessment of the implementation of diverse EU Directives, the drafting of road maps for future actions and the proposal for amendments to the Commission. Among other key legal issues, those projects included analytical work on data protection requirements both from a market and from a governance related perspective.
Mina is also a frequent evaluator and reviewer of Horizon 2020 and CEF Telecom Projects as well as member of stakeholders’ groups of the Commission.