Nikolaos Polyzos
Professor of Health Service Management, DUTH
Nikolaos Polyzos is Professor of Health Service Management at Department of Social Work of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH). He teaches undergraduate courses on Social Service Management, Health Policy, Health Service Management, Economic Evaluation of social programs based in health and postgraduate courses on Health Service Management and Health Policy in the joint MSc with Medical Department of Aristotelian University.
He has been scientific advisor to WHO and EU Committee and Parliament, as well as reviewer to international journals (recently BMC Health Journals).
Also, he is currently a member of Greek National Committee of Public Health.
For his contribution to the field, he was awarded from Health Care Business Awards, in 2018.
Health Service Management, Health Policy and Health Economics are among the fields of his research interests.
He studied Political Sciences and Public Administration at National Capodestrian University of Athens (NCUA), MSc in Health Planning and Financing at LSE, and he received a PhD on Management and Economics (Hospitals’ Efficiency) from NCUA.
He worked in health services for 25 years (among them as CEO of Hospitals) concluding his carrier as Secretary General of Greek Ministry of Health and CEO of the Organization of State Health Services of Cyprus.
He has a 20 years’ experience teaching in the academic field (15 last years as permanent staff of Greek Universities).
He has undertaken and integrated 15 scientific projects, 14 of them as scientific coordinator, last 15 years. Currently he is scientific collaborator and advisor to a HORIZON 2020 program (heart failure and real big data).
He has participated in important scientific projects indicatively in the organization and financing of National Unified Sickness Fund (EOPYY) PHC, Drugs’ Evaluation, Human Resources in Health, Hospitals’ Planning and Efficiency Measurement, etc. He finalizes research on evaluation and financing of hospitals’ medicines the recent 3 years.
He published books 3 (monographs) and 10 (edited books), 69 papers in scientific journals with peer review process, etc. on the field of Management, Policy and Economics of Health and Health Services (4 during last 3 years).
Web page at Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=el&user=aZsg854AAAAJ
Web page at Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nikolaos-Polyzos-4
Analytical cv: web page of the Department of Social Work