Stavros Ioannou
Deputy CEO, Eurobank S.A.
Stavros Ioannou is Deputy CEO and Executive Board Member of Eurobank. He is Group Chief Operating Officer, responsible also for International Activities and Wealth Management of the Group, and responsible BoD member for climate-related & environmental risks and for outsourcing. He is member of the BoD of Eurobank Direktna Serbia, Eurobank Bulgaria, ViceChairman in Eurobank Cyprus and Chairman of BE-Business Exchanges. He is currently Non-Executive Board member of Grivalia Management Company In the past, served as: Chairman of the Executive Committee in the Hellenic Banking Association (2020-2022, member since 2013) and Vice Chairman at Cardlink SA (2013- 2015). Started his career in 1988 at Barclays Bank PLC. In 2003 was elected Executive Member of the BoD of Millennium Bank. In 2005 was appointed CEO at Eurobank A.D. Beograd. Holds Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from University of Piraeus and Masters Degree in Banking & Finance from University of Wales, UK.