Stefanos D. Vlastos
Chief Executive Officer, Executive Member of the Board of Directors of Hellenic Public Properties Company (HPPC) S.A.
Stefanos D. Vlastos is CEO and Executive Member of the BoD of the Hellenic Public Properties Company (HPPC). Prior to his current position, he led the Hospitality branch of Grivalia Properties and he has served in various positions, both in public and private sector, amongst others, as President and CEO of ComMit Group – DIAS Ventures, as Executive Secretary of the Hellenic Ministry of Education and the Hellenic Ministry of Tourism and as Senior Manager at the French consulting company “YLIOS Hellas”. In addition, he has held executive positions at Bear Stearns International Ltd (today JP Morgan Chase & Co), at Credit Commercial de France (today HSBC Bank) and at Banque des Dépȏts CH (today EFG Intl). He holds a Bachelor Degree (BA) in Business Economics from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and a Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from SDA Bocconi and NYU Stern School of Business. He speaks English and French.