All aboard! Next stop, the future!
For the 20th consecutive year, HRIMA magazine will be co-organizing the HRIMA Business Awards 2022, in partnership with ethosEVENTS and the banks.com.gr financial and business portal. The aim is to highlight enterprises that support the Greek economy and contribute to the development of the institution of the stock exchange.
The HRIMA Business Awards are recognized by the business and investment community as an established institution for the annual evaluation of companies listed on the Athens Exchange. A pioneer in providing reliable and in depth information on economic, business, and stock market current affairs, HRIMA magazine innovated in 2003 by holding these awards for the stock exchange.
For their 20th anniversary the HRIMA Business Awards are celebrating with an updated profile and the addition of new award categories, while still dedicated to highlighting enterprises that support the Greek economy, openness, and innovation.
Our readers do the voting!
The criteria by which the enterprises are evaluated are their growth, their investments, their innovative actions, their international orientation, their positive results, and their behavior with respect to the stock exchange and investors.
The evaluation* is carried out by retail investors, the readership of HRIMA magazine and HRIMA Week weekly online newspaper, as well as by regular visitors to the banks.com.gr financial and business portal. This ensures the participation of the audience and market experts.
Voters consist of more than 10,000 readers, who as a rule are either stock market investors or active in relevant sectors (professionals in the broader financial sector, executives of companies listed on the Athens Exchange, business consultants, etc.).
*The participation of HRIMA Magazine’s editorial board was limited only to drafting the nominee list and it does not affect the final result.
Voting Duration
Voting will start on Monday 7 November 2022 at 10:00 and will end on Monday 14 November 2022 at 15:00, and it will be carried out through the official website of the awards, ethosevents.eu, and the banks.com.gr portal.
- 19:00Start Time
- 19:00 - 19:10Presentation
- 19:25 - 19:35Speech
- 19:50 - 20:20Honorary Distinctions
- 20:20 - 20:35Awards Ceremony (Part Α)
1. Best Company Award – 2022
2. Best Company FTSE LARGE CAP – 2022
3. Best Bank Award – 2022
- 20:45 - 20:55Speech
- 20:55 - 21:15NETWORKING BREAK
- 21:15 - 21:45Awards Ceremony (Part B)
4. Best International Company Award – 2022
5. Best Small – Medium Capitalization Company Award – 2022
6. Best Utility Company Award – 2022
7. Profits Recovery Award – 2022
8. High Growth Rate Award – 2022
9. Globalization Award – 2022
10. High Investment Award –2022
- 21:55 - 22:30Awards Ceremony (Part C)
11. Business Innovation Award – 2022
12. Investment Relations Award – 2022
13. Corporate Governance Award – 2022
14. Best ATHEX ESG Index Company Award – 2022
15. Best Alternative Market Company Award – 2022
16. Best Brokerage Firm Award – 2022
17. Best Mutual Funds Management Company – 2022
18. Best REIC Award – 2022
19. Best Asset & Wealth Management Company Award – 2022
- 22:30End of the Event - Thank you!
Calendar #hraw22
7 November 2022 (10:00): Voting Commences
14 November 2022 (16:00): Voting Ends
10 February 2023: Award Ceremony
Awards will be given for the following 19 categories:
- Best company award – 2022
- Best company FTSE LARGE CAP – 2022
- Best international company award – 2022
- Best small – medium capitalization company award – 2022
- Best utility company award – 2022
- Best bank award – 2022
- Profits recovery award – 2022
- High growth rate award – 2022
- Globalization award – 2022
- High investment award – 2022
- Business innovation award – 2022
- Investment relations award – 2022
- Corporate governance award – 2022
- Best ATHEX ESG index company award – 2022
- Best alternative market company award – 2022
- Best brokerage firm award – 2022
- Best mutual funds management company – 2022
- Best REIC award – 2022
- Best Asset & Wealth Management company award – 2022
- Sponsors will be prominently featured throughout the awards’ promotional material (e-newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, reports, etc.).
- The option is provided for the publication of three (3) articles in HRIMA magazine. to be reposted on the banks.com.gr portal.
- One sponsor executive is entitled to a five-minute (5) speech.
- A Sponsor executive will present the awards to the winners of three (3) award categories.
- The sponsor’s logo (and/or a design containing it) will be prominently featured on the graphics of the awards main website and on the graphics of the LiveOn Expo Complex. (signs on the building exterior, in the Lobby/Zone A, the Conference Center foyer and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live).
- Sponsors are entitled to a Premium 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 30 MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (500 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 5′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placements (2x) (two placements of photographic material where visitors will be able to get information on the company’s products), 5. Meeting Point (where visitors will have the opportunity to meet with company’s representatives who are present at the stand (their profiles will be visible on pop-ups) and interact with them (through pop-ups) by instant chat, instant or scheduled video call, instant or scheduled B2B meeting) and 6. Product Catalogue Placements (2x).
- At the Digital Stand, up to eight (8) executives of the Sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online. Visitors who request some form of communication with an executive, will automatically be notified of the latter’s contact information (e-business card).
- They are entitled to space to set up a kiosk, maximum dimensions 3m x 3m, in the lobby of the hotel where the conference will be held.
- They are entitled to forty (40) invitations to attend the awards via the LiveOn electronic platform.
- They are entitled to two (2) eight-person round tables (16 people) in the awards.
- The Sponsor will present a two-minute (2′) corporate promotional video at the awards.
- Sponsors may opt to screen an advertisement spot (20” maximum duration). This ad spot may be played up to two (2) times during the awards’ advertisement slots.
- Sponsors will be promoted via the organizer’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with three (3) “featured” posts.
- They are entitled to include up to (30 MB) of promotional material in the awards’ MyEventXPack (digital tote bag).
- They shall receive an extensive report of the awards.
- Sponsors will be prominently featured throughout the awards’ promotional material (e-newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, reports, etc.).
- The option is provided for the publication of two (2) articles in HRIMA magazine to be reposted on the banks.com.gr portal.
- A Sponsor executive will present the awards to the winners of two (2) award categories.
- The sponsor’s logo (and/or a design containing it) will be prominently featured on the graphics of the awards’ main website and on the graphics of the LiveOn Expo Complex (signs on the building exterior, in the Lobby/Zone A, the Conference Center foyer (depending on availability) and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live).
- Sponsors are entitled to a Premium 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 20 MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (500 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 5′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placements (2x) (two placements of photographic material where visitors will be able to get information on the company’s products), 5. Meeting Point (where visitors will have the opportunity to meet with company’s representatives who are present at the stand (their profiles will be visible on pop-ups) and interact with them (through pop-ups) by instant chat, instant or scheduled video call, instant or scheduled B2B meeting) and 6. Product Catalogue Placements (2x).
- At the Digital Stand, up to six (6) executives of the Sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online. Visitors who request some form of communication with an executive, will automatically be notified of the latter’s contact information (e-business card).
- They are entitled to space to set up a kiosk, maximum dimensions 3m x 2m, in the lobby of the hotel where the awards will be held.
- They are entitled to thirty (30) invitations to attend the awards via the LiveOn electronic platform.
- They are entitled to two (2) eight-person round tables (16 people) in the awards.
- The Sponsor will present a one-minute (1′) corporate promotional video at the awards.
- Sponsors may opt to screen an advertisement spot (20” maximum duration). This ad spot may be played up to one (1) time during the awards’ advertisement slots.
- Sponsors will be promoted via the organizer’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with two (2) “featured” posts.
- They are entitled to include up to (20 MB) of promotional material in the awards’ MyEventXPack (digital tote bag).
- They shall receive an extensive report of the awards.
- Sponsors will be prominently featured throughout the awards’ promotional material (e-newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, reports, etc.).
- The option is provided for the publication of one (1) article in HRIMA magazine to be reposted on the banks.com.gr portal.
- A Sponsor executive will present the awards to the winners of one (1) award category.
- The sponsor’s logo (and/or a design containing it) will be prominently featured on the graphics of the awards main website and on the graphics of the LiveOn Expo Complex (signs in the Lobby/Zone B (depending on availability), the Conference Center foyer (depending on availability) and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live).
- Sponsors are entitled to a Advanced 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 10 MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (250 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 5′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placement (1x) (one placement of photographic material where visitors will be able to get information on the company’s products), 5. Meeting Point (where visitors will have the opportunity to meet with company’s representatives who are present at the stand (their profiles will be visible on pop-ups) and interact with them (through pop-ups) by instant chat, instant or scheduled video call, instant or scheduled B2B meeting) and 6. Product Catalogue Placement (1x) (area where visitors will be able to view the company’s product catalogue and access additional informative material through a photo and pop-up window).
- At the Digital Stand, up to four (4) executives of the Sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online. Visitors who request some form of communication with an executive, will automatically be notified of the latter’s contact information (e-business card).
- They are entitled to space to set up a kiosk, maximum dimensions 2m x 2m, in the lobby of the hotel where the awards will be held.
- They are entitled to twenty (20) invitations to attend the awards via the LiveOn electronic platform.
- They are entitled to one (1) eight-person round tables (8 people) in the awards.
- Sponsors will be promoted via the organizer’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with one (1) “featured” post.
- They are entitled to include up to (10 MB) of promotional material in the awards’ MyEventXPack (digital tote bag).
- They shall receive an extensive report of the awards.
- Sponsors will be featured throughout the awards’ promotional material (e-newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, reports, etc.).
- The sponsor’s logo (and/or a design containing it) will be featured on the graphics of the awards main website and on the graphics of the LiveOn Expo Complex (signs in the Lobby/Zone B (depending on availability), the Conference Center foyer (depending on availability) and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live).
- Sponsors are entitled to a Advanced 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 8 MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (250 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 5′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placement (1x) (one placement of photographic material where visitors will be able to get information on the company’s products), 5. Meeting Point (where visitors will have the opportunity to meet with company’s representatives who are present at the stand (their profiles will be visible on pop-ups) and interact with them (through pop-ups) by instant chat, instant or scheduled video call, instant or scheduled B2B meeting) and 6. Product Catalogue Placement (1x) (area where visitors will be able to view the company’s product catalogue and access additional informative material through a photo and pop-up window).
- At the Digital Stand, up to two (2) executives of the Sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online. Visitors who request some form of communication with an executive, will automatically be notified of the latter’s contact information (e-business card).
- The Sponsor is entitled to place one (1) rollup (0,85×2,00 maximum size) stand at the lobby area of the awards.
- They are entitled to ten (10) invitations to attend the awards via the LiveOn electronic platform.
- They are entitled to invite four 4 people in the awards.
- They are entitled to include up to (8 MB) of promotional material in the awards’ MyEventXPack (digital tote bag).
- They shall receive an extensive report of the awards.
- Attendance at the Awards Ceremony
- Full utilization of the advanced digital capabilities of the LiveOn Expo Complex (networking, XPack, video calls & chats).
- Online exchange of contact details and personal communication with speakers, awards participants, and participating sponsor executives through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the awards (including speaker presentations, videos, and photos).
290€ + 24% VAT – hybrid participation (physically & digitally present via the LiveOn Expo Complex)
150€ + 24% VAT – digital participation (via the LiveOn Expo Complex)
Provisions per individual participations:
- Attendance at the Awards Ceremony
- Full utilization of the advanced digital capabilities of the LiveOn Expo Complex (networking, XPack, video calls & chats).
- Online exchange of contact details and personal communication with speakers, awards participants, and participating sponsor executives through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the awards (including speaker presentations, videos, and photos).