"Reform of the Hellenic Health System (ESY): from theory to practice"
A lot has been said and written on the reform of the health system in Greece. All studies highlight the need for reorganization, placing emphasis on primary healthcare, combined with an increase in public funding, which is well below the EU average.
The pandemic brought out the value of the Hellenic health system (ESY) but also underlined its weaknesses and gaps in administrative and organizational efficiency and overall ineffectiveness. Today, the demand for a reform aiming at upgrading the efficacy of healthcare services and improving public health in Greece, is more relevant than ever.
The 13th Pharma & Health Conference #phco22 is organized by ethosEVENTS, in collaboration with virus.com.gr website on healthcare and Pharma & Health Business magazine and will take place on 12 April 2022 as a hybrid event. The participation in the Forum, will be physical at Divani Caravel Hotel, and digital through LiveOn, the integrated platform for Digital Communication and Events, and its innovative 3D exposition and conference center LiveOn Expo Complex.
Mr. Emilios Negis, Managing Editor in Pharma & Health Business magazine and virus.com.gr portal, will be the Program Manager.
"Closed (Hybrid) Lobbying Workshop"
During the works of the 13th Pharma & Health Conference a Closed Lobbing Workshop titled “What measures could be taken with respect to clawbacks in the pharmaceutical and diagnostic tests sectors?” will take place.
The workshop is organized as a hybrid event, with physical presence of participants and top executives of the conference sponsors, while the option of digital attendance will be available through LiveOn Expo Complex.
Mr. Emilios Negis. Journalist and Managing Editor of Pharma&Health Business magazine and virus.com.gr portal, will be the workshop coordinator.
The 13th Pharma & Health Conference includes individual speeches and round tables and panels with certain topics
1. The personal doctor institution and the reform of Primary Healthcare
- Challenges in the application of the institution
- Incentives for doctors and citizens
- Gatekeeping
- Changes needed in Primary Healthcare
- Fofi Gennimata program
2. Reform of national health system’s hospitals
- Assessment of healthcare units
- Change in legal status
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Change of use of healthcare units
- Personnel increase
3. Clinical Audit in EOPYY
- What are the potential benefits for citizens, health services providers and EOPYY?
- What can be learnt from experience in the sector of private insurance?
- Could clinical audits be applied in ESY?
Who Should Attend
- the political leadership of the Ministry of Health,
- the administration of the Hellenic Organization of Healthcare Services (EOPYY),
- executives from Regional Healthcare Authorities (YPE) and hospitals,
- representatives of patients’ associations,
- doctors,
- journalists,
- pharmaceutical companies’ executives
- medical technology companies’ executives
- 10:00Start Time - Registration
- 10:00-10:10Welcome Address
- 10:10-10:15Institutional Greeting
- 10:15-10:20Institutional Greeting
- 10:20-10:25Institutional Greeting
- 10:25-10:30Institutional Greeting
- 10:30-11:30Panel I: “The personal doctor institution and the reform of Primary Healthcare”
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist
Speakers:- Nikos DedesPresident of the Board, Greek Patients' Association
- Marios ThemistocleousSecretary General of Primary Health Care
- Anargiros D. MariolisPresident of Hellenic Academy of General Practice/ Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, Head of Health Center of Areopolis, Mani
- Dr. Pantelis AngelidisFounder of Vidavo – Chairman BoD, Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies
- Evangelos Fragkoulis, MD, MHAGeneral Practitioner / Family Physician, Secretary General Hellenic Academy of General Practice / Family Medicine & PHC
- Emilios NegisJournalist, Managing Editor, Pharma & Health Business, virus.com.gr
- 12:00-13:00Panel II: “Reform of national health system’s hospitals”
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist
Speakers:- Nikolaos PolyzosProfessor of Health Service Management, DUTH
- Fotis Seretis DDS MSCHead of the 5th Regional Health Authority of Thessaly & Sterea, Greece
- Mina GagaAlternate Minister of Health
- Yannis Tountas, MD, MPH, PhDProfessor of Social and Preventive Medicine, Medical School- University of Athens
- Emilios NegisJournalist, Managing Editor, Pharma & Health Business, virus.com.gr
- 14:00-15:00Panel III: “Clinical Audit in EOPYY”
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist
Speakers:- Theano KarpodiniHead and Chairman of the Board of Directors of National Organization for Health Care Services (EOPYY)
- Dr. Alexander PaparsenosΓενικός Διευθυντής ΤΥΠΕΤ
- Sotiris G. Papaspyropoulos, MD, MScChairman & Managing Director, ACCURATE Health Auditing & Consulting S.A.
- Dr. Vassili G. ApostolopoulosCEO Athens Medical Group, Honorary President Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association (Ε.ΕΝ.Ε), President Hellenic Alumni Association LSE (HAALSE)
- Emilios NegisJournalist, Managing Editor, Pharma & Health Business, virus.com.gr
- 15:00Conclusions – End of the Conference
GOLD SPONSOR (15,000€ + VAT)
- The Gold Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the conference. (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- An interview of one of Gold Sponsor’s top executives will be featured on Ph.B Pharma & Health Business and in the portal virus.com.gr.
- A Gold Sponsor’s executive will deliver a 10’ speech at the conference.
- A Gold Sponsor’s executive will participate in one of the conference s panels.
- The Gold Sponsor is entitled to have three (3) executives physically presentat the Closed (Hybrid) Lobbing Workshop, while three (3) of its executives will participate digitally.
- The Gold Sponsor’s logo (and/or a composite design containing it) will have a prominent position on the main site of the conference and on LiveOn Expo Complex visuals (signs on the building exterior, in the Lobby/Zone A, the Conference Hall foyer and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live).
- The Gold Sponsor is entitled to a Premium 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 30 MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (500 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 5′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placements (2x) (two placements of photographic material where visitors will be able to get information on the company’s products), 5. Meeting Point (where visitors will have the opportunity to meet with company’s representatives who are present at the stand (their profiles will be visible on pop-ups) and interact with them (through pop-ups) by instant chat, instant or scheduled video call, instant or scheduled B2B meeting) and 6. Product Catalogue Placements (2x).
- At the Digital Stand, up to eight (8) executives of the Sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online. Visitors who request some form of communication with an executive, will automatically be notified of the latter’s contact information (e-business card).
- The Gold Sponsor is entitled to have a 3m x 3m exhibition stand at the lobby area of the conference.
- The Gold Sponsor will receive fiftty (50) invitations to the conference.
- The Gold Sponsor is entitled to three (3) round-tables of 8 seats each (24 guests in total).
- The Gold Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s Facebook and LinkedIn with three (3) publications of “prominent visibility”.
- A Gold Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to tree (3) times during the conference s main program.
- The Gold Sponsor may provide promotional material (up to 30 MB) to be placed in the event’s MyEventXPack (digital bag).
- The Gold Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Silver Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the conference. (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- An interview of one of Silver Sponsor’s top executives will be featured in the portal virus.com.gr.
- A Silver Sponsor’s may choose one of the two following options: 10’ speech at the conference by one of its executives or participation of the executive in one of the conference’s panels.
- The Silver Sponsor is entitled to have two (2) executives physically presentat the Closed (Hybrid) Lobbing Workshop, while two (2) of its executives will participate digitally.
- The Silver Sponsor’s logo (and/or a composite design containing it) will have a prominent position on the main site of the conference and on LiveOn Expo Complex visuals (signs on the building exterior, in the Lobby/Zone A, the Conference Hall foyer and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live
- The Silver Sponsor is entitled to a Premium 3D Digital Standat the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 20 MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (500 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 5′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placements (2x) (two placements of photographic material where visitors will be able to get information on the company’s products). 5. Meeting Point (where visitors will have the opportunity to meet with company’s representatives who are present at the stand (their profiles will be visible on pop-ups) and interact with them (through pop-ups) by instant chat, instant or scheduled video call, instant or scheduled B2B meeting) and 6. Product Catalogue Placements (2x).
- At the Digital Stand, up to six (6) executives of the Sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online . Visitors who request some form of communication with an executive, will automatically be notified of the latter’s contact information (e-business card).
- The Silver Sponsor is entitled to have a 3m x 2m exhibition stand at the lobby area of the conference.
- The Silver Sponsor will receive forty (40) invitations to the conference.
- The Silver Sponsor is entitled to two (2) round-tables of 8 seats each (16 guests in total) at the conference.
- A Silver Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to two (2) times during the conference’s main program.
- The Silver Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s Facebook and LinkedIn with two (2) publications of “prominent visibility”.
- The Silver Sponsor may provide promotional material(up to 20 MB) to be placed in the event’s MyEventXPack (digital bag).
- The Silver Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Bronze Sponsor will be advertised on all promotional materials of the conference. (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- The Bronze Sponsor is entitled to have one (1) executive physically presentat the Closed (Hybrid) Lobbing Workshop, while one (1) of its executives will participate digitally.
- The Sponsor’s logo (and/or a composite design containing it) will have a prominent position on the main site of the conference and on LiveOn Expo Complex visuals (signs in the Lobby/Zone A (depending on availability), the Conference Hall foyer (depending on availability) and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live).
- The Sponsor is entitled to an Advanced 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 10 MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (500 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 5′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placement (1x) (one placement of photographic material where visitors could get information on the company’s products), 5. Meeting Point (where visitors will have the opportunity to meet with company’s representatives who are present at the stand (their profiles will be visible on pop-ups) and interact with them (through pop-ups) by instant chat, instant or scheduled video call, instant or scheduled B2B meeting) and 6. Product Catalogue Placement (1x).
- At the Digital Stand, up to four (4) executives of the Sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online. Visitors who request some form of communication with an executive, will automatically be notified of the latter’s contact information (e-business card).
- The Bronze Sponsor is entitled to have a 2m x 2m exhibition stand at the lobby area of the conference.
- The Bronze Sponsor will receive thirty (30) invitations to the conference.
- The Bronze Sponsor is entitled to one (1) round-tables of 8 seats each (8 guests in total) at the conference.
- A Bronze Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to one (1) times during the conference’s main program.
- The Bronze Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s Facebook and LinkedIn with one (1) publication of “prominent visibility”.
- The Bronze Sponsor may provide promotional material (up to 10 MB) to be placed in the event’s MyEventXPack (digital bag).
- The Bronze Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Sponsor will be advertised on all promotional materials of the conference. (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- The Bronze Sponsor is entitled to have one (1) executive physically or digitally at the Closed (Hybrid) Lobbing Workshop.
- The Sponsor’s logo (and/or a composite design containing it) will have a prominent position on the main site of the conference and on LiveOn Expo Complex visuals (signs in the Lobby/Zone B (depending on availability), the Conference Hall foyer (depending on availability) and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live).
- The Sponsor is entitled to a Standard 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 8MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors could leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (150 words maximum), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 3′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placement (1x) (one placement of photographic material where visitors could get information on the company’s products).
- The Sponsor is entitled to place one (1) rollup (0,85×2,00 maximum size) stand at the lobby area of the conference.
- The Sponsor will receive twenty (20) invitations to the conference.
- The Sponsor is entitled to invite four guests to the conference.
- The Sponsor may provide promotional material (up to 8 MB) to be placed in the event’s MyEventXPack (digital bag).
- The Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Sponsor’s logo will be promoted on visuals of the of the conference & on LiveOn Expo Complex visuals. (signs in the separate halls of the Conference Hall, from where the event will be broadcast live).
- The Bronze Sponsor is entitled to have one (1) executive digitally at the Closed (Hybrid) Lobbing Workshop.
- The Sponsor will receive ten (10) invitations to the conference.
- The Sponsor is entitled to invite two guests to the conference
- The Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
250€+ VAT 24%– hybrid attendance (physical & digital via LiveOn Expo Complex)
90€+ VAT 24%– digital attendance only (via LiveOn Expo Complex)
Benefits for individual participations
- Full utilisation of the advanced digital features of LiveOn Expo Complex (networking, XPack, videocalls & chats etc).
- Certificate of attendance (will be sent by email).
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the confernce (including presentations, videos and photos).