"Challenges in the Management of Medical Technology Products"
The pandemic exposed the gaps and shortcomings of healthcare systems in most countries all over the world, even those with the strongest economies and best infrastructure. At the same time, it highlighted the key role of medical technology and innovation in the protection of public health
In Greece, the pandemic found the National Health System badly affected after many years of under-funding and inability to effectively utilize modern administrative and organizational tools. Procurement systems in public hospitals are still stagnant, while medical technology management remains inefficient.
- How is the landscape in the market of medical technology products being shaped currently?
- What are the government’s priorities regarding procurement and utilization of medical technology?
- What changes need to be made in the system of medical technology equipment procurement?
- Which modern funding tools could Greece utilize for the management of new medical technologies?
- What investments need to be made in the National Healthcare System in order to rationalize medical technology management?
All the above will be thoroughly analyzed at the MedTech Conference 2021 (#mtco21), which will take place for the 7th year on 21 October, this time digitally through LiveOn, ethosGROUP’s integrated digital technology on business communication, and its 3D exposition and conference center LiveOn Expo Complex.
The conference is organized by ethosΕVENTS in collaboration with virus.com.gr portal on health and pharmaceutical policies and Pharma & Health Business magazine.
Mr. Emilios Negis, Managing Editor in Pharma & Health Business magazine and virus.com.gr portal, will be the Program Manager.
Special (Hybrid) Workshop
During the works of the MedTech Conference 2021, a Special (Hybrid) Workshop will take place, dedicated to the procurement system of the Greek NHS and having the objective to offer participants the opportunity to discuss and exchange views with representatives of organizations involved in medical procurement procedures.
The Workshop will be organized as a hybrid event, with various presentations and a debate coordinated by Emilios Negis, Journalist, Managing Editor in Pharma & Health Business magazine and virus.com.gr. portal.
Basic discussion topics
- New medical technologies, solutions and applications against COVID-19
- Distortions in assessment and compensation procedures for medical technology products by the Hellenic Health Services Organization (EOPYY)
- New funding models in the procurement and management of medical technology equipment
- Government’s priorities regarding the National Health System’s medical equipment procurement
- What are the plans of the Ministry of Health regarding the creation of a Medical Technology Equipment Cadaster?
- What is the future of the National Central Health Procurements Authority (EKAPY)?
- Hurdles in the implementation of a centralized public procurement system for the supply of materials
- the political leadership of the Ministry of Health
- executives from public and private hospitals
- renowned doctors
- patients’ associations representatives
- executives involved in the medical technology products market
- journalists
- 10:00Start Time
- 10:00-10:05Welcome Address
- 10:20-10:30Speech
Title: “Value-Based Healthcare: how to purchase Value”
- 10:30-10:45Speech
- 11:00-11:50Panel I: “Procurement System in the National Health System”
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist, virus.com.gr
Speakers:- Dimitris NikasManaging Director, Medtronic Hellas - President of the Association of Health - Research & Biotechnology Industry (SEIV)
- Dimos BartsokasPresident, National Central Authority for Health Procurement (EKAPY)
- Ioannis KarafyllisSupply Chain and Procurement Expert
- Emilios NegisJournalist, Managing Editor, Pharma & Health Business, virus.com.gr
- 11:50-12:00Speech
- 12:50-13:40Panel II: “Management of Medical Technology by EOPYY”
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist virus.com.gr
Speakers:- Christos DaramilasBiologist, PhD candidate of the Medical School of the A.U.TH.. MSc: “Clinical and Industrial Pharmacology and Toxicology”, “Care in Diabetes Mellitus", President of the Panhellenic Federation of Associations of People with Diabetes (P.F.P.D.).
- Maria Panosopoulou, M.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.Χημικός, Προϊσταμένη Τμήματος Σχεδιασμού Παροχών, Κοστολόγησης-Τιμολόγησης Ιατροτεχνολογικού, Υγειονομικού Υλικού και Σκευασμάτων Ειδικής Διατροφής, Διεύθυνση Στρατηγικού Σχεδιασμού, Κ.Υ. ΕΟΠΥΥ
- Derkos (Derkylidas-Dimitris) KalogridisVice President SEIV - Country Manager ABBOTT DIABETES CARE for Greece and Cyprus
- Nikolaos Tsoulos, MSc, MBAManaging Director of Genekor Medical S.A.
- 14:30-14:45Speech
- 14:45-15:45Panel IIΙ: “Evaluation of Medical Technology – Prospects – Challenges”
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist virus.com.gr
Speakers:- Costa MariakisSecretary General, Association of Health-Research and Biotechnology Industry (SEIV) – CEO, New Diagnostic Dimension Ltd
- Maria KalogeropoulouAssociate Director of Value Access, Health Policy and RWE, IQVIA Hellas
- Fotis Seretis DDS MSCHead of the 5th Regional Health Authority of Thessaly & Sterea, Greece
- Panos StafylasCardiologist/HTA Consultant, Scientific Director, HealThink
- Anastasios RentoumisHealth Services Manager, Innovation Manager & President of the NGO "Alliance for Integrated Care”
- Emilios NegisJournalist, Managing Editor, Pharma & Health Business, virus.com.gr
- 15:45- 15:50Conclusions – End of the Digital Conference
*To be confirmed
LEAD SPONSOR (12,000€ + VAT)
- The Lead Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the conference (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- An interview of one of Lead Sponsor’s top executives will be featured on Ph.B Pharma & Health Business and in thevirus.com.gr.
- A Lead Sponsor’s executive will deliver a 10’ speech at the conference.
- A Lead Sponsor’s executive will participate in one of the conference’s panels.
- Four (4) Sponsor’s executives will participate, physically or digitally, in the Special (Hybrid) Workshop.*
- The Lead Sponsor’s logo (and/or a composite design containing it) will have a prominent position on the main site of the Conference and on LiveOn Expo Complex visuals (signs on the building exterior, in the Lobby/Zone A, the Conference Hall foyer and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live).
- The Lead Sponsor is entitled to a Premium 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 30 MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (500 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 5′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placements (2x) (two placements of photographic material where visitors will be able to get information on the company’s products), 5. Meeting Point (where visitors will have the opportunity to meet with company’s representatives who are present at the stand (their profiles will be visible on pop-ups) and interact with them (through pop-ups) by instant chat, instant or scheduled video call, instant or scheduled B2B meeting) and 6. Product Catalogue Placements (2x) (two areas where visitors will be able to view the company’s product catalogue and access additional informative material through photos and pop-up windows).
- At the Digital Stand, up to ten (10) executives of the Sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants during the event. Visitors who request some form of communication with an executive, will automatically be notified of the latter’s contact information (e-business card).
- The Lead Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with two (2) publications of “prominent visibility”.
- The Lead Sponsor will receive fiftty (50) invitations to the conference
- A Lead Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to tree (3) times during the conference’s main program.
- The Lead Sponsor may provide promotional material (up to 30 MB) to be placed in the event’s digital bag.
- The Lead Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
*A maximum of 50 guests may be physically present. (Only holders of valid vaccination certificates οr holders of disease certificate up to 180 days prior to the event’s date will be admitted – strict priority order will be observed).
- The Premiere Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the conference (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- An interview of one of Premiere Sponsor’s top executives will be featured in the portal virus.com.gr.
- The Premiere Sponsor may choose one of the two following options: 10’ speech at the conference by one of its executives or participation of the executive in one of the conference’s panels.
- Three (3) Sponsor’s executives will participate, physically or digitally, in the Special (Hybrid) Workshop.*
- The Premiere Sponsor’s logo (and/or a composite design containing it) will have a prominent position on the main site of the conference and on LiveOn Expo Complex visuals (signs on the building exterior, in the Lobby/Zone A, the Conference Hall foyer and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live
- The Premiere Sponsor is entitled to a Premium 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 20 MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (500 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 5′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placements (2x) (two placements of photographic material where visitors will be able to get information on the company’s products), 5. Meeting Point (where visitors will have the opportunity to meet with company’s representatives who are present at the stand (their profiles will be visible on pop-ups) and interact with them (through pop-ups) by instant chat, instant or scheduled video call, instant or scheduled B2B meeting) and 6. Product Catalogue Placements (2x) (two areas where visitors will be able to view the company’s product catalogue and access additional informative material through photos and pop-up windows).
- At the Digital Stand, up to six (6) executives of the Sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants during the event. Visitors who request some form of communication with an executive, will automatically be notified of the latter’s contact information (e-business card).
- The Premiere Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with two (2) publications of “prominent visibility”.
- The Premiere Sponsor will receive forty (40) invitations to the conference.
- A Premiere Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to two (2) times during the conference’s main program.
- The Premiere Sponsor may provide promotional material (up to 20 MB) to be placed in the event’s digital bag.
- The Premiere Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
*A maximum of 50 guests may be physically present. (Only holders of valid vaccination certificates οr holders of disease certificate up to 180 days prior to the event’s date will be admitted – strict priority order will be observed).
SPONSOR (6,000€ + VAT)
- The Sponsor will be advertised on all promotional materials of the conference (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- A Sponsor’s executive will participate in one of the conference’s panels.
- Two (2) Sponsor’s executives will participate, physically or digitally, in the Special (Hybrid) Workshop.*
- The Sponsor’s logo (and/or a composite design containing it) will have a prominent position on the main site of the Greek Hospitality Awards 2021 and on LiveOn Expo Complex visuals (signs in the Lobby/Zone B (depending on availability), the Conference Hall foyer (depending on availability) and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live).
- The Sponsor is entitled to an Advanced 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 10 MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (500 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 5′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placement (1x) (one placement of photographic material where visitors will be able to get information on the company’s products), 5. Meeting Point (where visitors will have the opportunity to meet with company’s representatives who are present at the stand (their profiles will be visible on pop-ups) and interact with them (through pop-ups) by instant chat, instant or scheduled video call, instant or scheduled B2B meeting) and 6. Product Catalogue Placement (1x) (area where visitors will be able to view the company’s product catalogue and access additional informative material through a photo and pop-up window).
- At the Digital Stand, up to six (6) executives of the Sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants during the event. Visitors who request some form of communication with an executive, will automatically be notified of the latter’s contact information (e-business card).
- The Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with one (1) publication of “prominent visibility”.
- The Sponsor will receive thirty (30) invitations to the conference.
- The Sponsor may provide promotional material (up to 10 MB) to be placed in the event’s digital bag.
- The Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
*A maximum of 50 guests may be physically present. (Only holders of valid vaccination certificates οr holders of disease certificate up to 180 days prior to the event’s date will be admitted – strict priority order will be observed).
- The Associate Sponsor will be advertised on all promotional materials of the conference (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- One (1) Sponsor’ executives will participate, physically or digitally, in the Special (Hybrid) Workshop.*
- The Associate Sponsor’s logo (and/or a composite design containing it) will have a prominent position on the main site of the Greek Hospitality Awards 2021 and on LiveOn Expo Complex visuals (signs in the Lobby/Zone B (depending on availability), the Conference Hall foyer (depending on availability) and separate halls where from the event will be broadcast live).
- The Associate Sponsor is entitled to a Standard 3D Digital Stand at the LiveOn Expo Complex Sponsors Hall. The stand will include the following material (up to 8MB): 1. Company Logo (area where the Sponsor’s corporate sign and brand name will be presented in a photographic composition), 2. Digital Secretariat (area where visitors will be able to leave their contact details, get information on the company profile (150 words maximum), download the company profile and request a meeting with a Sponsor’s representative), 3. Company Video (area where visitors will have access to a company presentation video – of 3′ maximum duration), 4. Product Promotion Placement (1x) (one placement of photographic material where visitors will be able to get information on the company’s products).
- The Associate Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with one (1) publication.
- The Associate Sponsor will receive twenty (20) invitations to the conference .
- The Associate Sponsor may provide promotional material (up to 8 MB) to be placed in the event’s digital bag.
- The Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
*A maximum of 50 guests may be physically present. (Only holders of valid vaccination certificates οr holders of disease certificate up to 180 days prior to the event’s date will be admitted – strict priority order will be observed).
- The Sponsor’s logo will be promoted on visuals of the main site of the conference and on LiveOn Expo Complex visuals (signs in the separate halls of the Conference Hall, from where the event will be broadcast live).
- One (1) Sponsor’s executive will participate digitally, in the Special (Hybrid) Workshop.
- The Sponsor will receive ten (10) invitations to the conference.
- Certificate of attendance (will be sent by email)
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
1st participant: 190€ + VAT
2nd participant: 170€ + VAT
3rd participant: 150€ + VAT
Benefits for individual participations
- Participation in the conference
- Certificate of attendance (will be sent by email)
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).