The next steps of the financial sector were among the main topics of the Digital Banking Forum 2021, the forum on banking organized by ethosEVENTS had the objective to highlight – for one more year – the trends developing in this specific area of the market in Greece and abroad.
The Digital Banking Forum is an event that has transformed the way the use of digital technologies in the banking sector is presented. This year it aimed at offering participants a unique experience, as it differs from other events on banking and finance in terms of presentations and interaction between audience and speakers.
The forum was organized by ethosEVENTS in collaboration with the economic and business portal banks.com.gr and the economic and investment magazine HRIMA and took place on Thursday 1 April 2021.
The Digital Banking Forum 2021 focused on the following areas of interest:
• The banks’ new omnichannel approach and the role of physical bank branches
The change in banks’ operating models has become evident in Greece in the last years. However, due to the new circumstances brought on by Covid-19, Greek banks engaged in a major re-organization of their physical branches networks while further boosting their digital channels. The omnichannel approach is currently the prevailing trend in the financial sector and has transformed the banks’ internal organization and their approach towards their clients (businesses and consumers). Physical branches will not disappear but their role in the market will undergo radical changes.
• The cloud, AI & the financial sector
The acceleration of the digital transformation of the private and public sectors has brought to the fore technologies such as the cloud, big data and artificial intelligence (AI). For the financial sector, these technological tools are the key to the next day as they enable banks to introduce their new services and offer an improved and more personalized experience to their clients.
Top providers of digital technology services presented their solutions and interesting case studies, helping the participants of the Digital Banking Forum 2021 to better comprehend the possibilities offered by the new technological trends and see how their proper utilization may improve productivity, competitiveness and flexibility with respect to banks’ operation.
• E-payments & digital currencies
Another market sector which gained considerable traction in the last months is that of e-payments. The increased use of cards and mobile payment methods in Greece is impressive, while new solutions become available every day. This sector offers a series of innovative options and is constantly evolving, given the intense interest in digital currencies on a global scale.
This was one of the basic focal points of this year’s forum, which will aim at highlighting the trends on this sector through presentations and discussions with top executives involved in the financial and technological sector.
• Fintech startups
In the startup and innovation ecosystem, ideas and practices related to the fintech sector are high in the list of investment funds’ priorities. In Greece as in other countries, traditional banks now opt for cooperation with fintech startups, as both sides stand to gain a lot from this. But which are the sectors that could enable such partnerships? Which startups could take the next step in the business arena and spread their activities beyond Greek borders? These are just a few of the questions that were answered during the Digital Banking Forum 2021.
Who Should Attend
- High-ranking bank executives who understand the importance of the sector’s digital transformation and seek to broaden their know-how
- Insurance executives who follow the developments regarding the establishment and implementation of new business models
- Digital technology companies‘ executives seeking to network with professionals involved in the financial sector interested in utilizing digital technology tools
- Young entrepreneurs involved in the fast-growing fintech sector
- Executives from various market areas who wished to get information on the new trends in the financial sector and the new digital products and services that will help them improve their services and operation.
- 10:00Start Time
- 10:05–10:20Opening Remark: Vasilis Panagiotidis
- 10:20–10:30Institutional Greeting: Manos Makromallis
- Session 1: “The banks’ new omnichannel approach and the role of physical bank branches”
- 10:30–10:50Keynote Speech: James White
Title: "Physical Experience in a digital World. The evolving role of the branch"
- 10:50–11:10Keynote Speech: Michael Wodzicki
- 11:10–11:25Corporate Presentation: Sotirios Kiriakos
- 11:25–11:45NETWOKING BREAK
- Session 2: “The cloud, AI & the financial sector”
- 11:45–12:00Corporate Presentation: Konstantinos Makrypidis
Title: “How Technology shifted Banking Business Model”
- 12:00–12:15Corporate Presentation: Haris Linardakis
Title: "Banking transformation by accelerating and de-risking the cloud journeys"
- 12:15–12:25Corporate Presentation: George Anastasopoulos
Title: “Fortinet’s Secure SD-WAN is transforming the finance industry”
- 12:25–12:35Corporate Presentation: Andreas Tsangaris
Title: “How Vertica is Helping FSIs Take on Big Data”
- 12:45-13:00NETWOKING BREAK
- Session 3: “E-payments & digital currencies”
- 13:00–13:15Corporate Presentation: Antigonos Papadopoulos
- 13:15–13:30Corporate Presentation: Stavroula Kampouridou
Title: “DIAS-Interbanking Systems and Instant Payments in 2021 and beyond, with IRIS & TIPS”
Speakers: - 13:30–13:40Corporate Presentation: Ronald Raffensperger
Title: “Digital Transformation with Mobile First”
- 13:40-13:55NETWOKING BREAK
- Session 4: «Fintech startups»
- 13:55–14:10Corporate Presentation: Andrius Biceika
Title: “2020: Fast Forward to Digital Banking”
- 14:10–14:25Corporate Presentation: Panagiotis Markidis
Title: “The Neos payment experience”
- 14:25-14:40NETWOKING BREAK
- FIRESIDE CHATS (with Dimitris Mallas)
- 14:40-14:55Attica Bank
- 14:55-15:10NCR Corporation
- 15:10-15:20Concluding Remarks – Closing of the Conference
LEAD SPONSOR (12,000€ + VAT)
- A Lead Sponsor’s executive will deliver a 15’ speech at the forum.
- A Lead Sponsor’s executive will participate in the forum’s virtual fireside chats (one-on-one 15’ interviews).
- The Lead Sponsor’s logo will have a highly prominent position on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the online event’s platform, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section, pages of presentations-speeches and all pages of the presentation of the Sponsor’s executive who will participate in the event as a speaker).
- The Lead Sponsor will have a prominent position on banners in the internal pages of the digital event’s platform.
- A Lead Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to three (3) times during the forum’s main program.
- The Lead Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page in a prominent position of the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 200 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’), digital marketing material (up to 30 MB) for downloading. In addition, up to ten (10) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Lead Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- The Lead Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with 2 publications of “prominent visibility”
- An interview of one of Lead Sponsor’s top executives will be featured in the portal banks.com.gr and HRIMA magazine.
- The Lead Sponsor will receive fifty (50) invitations to the forum.
- The Lead Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
- The Lead Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Premiere Sponsor may choose one of the two following options: 10’ speech at the forum by one of its executives or participation of the executive in the virtual fireside chats (one-on-one 15’ on-stage interviews) of the event.
- The Premiere Sponsor’s logo will have a prominent position on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the online event’s platform, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section, pages of presentations-speeches and all pages of the presentation of the Sponsor’s executive who will participate in the event as a speaker).
- A Premiere Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to two (2) times during the forum’s main program.
- The Premiere Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page in a prominent position of the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 150 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’), marketing material (up to 20 MB). In addition, up to eight (8) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Premiere Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages etc.).
- The Premiere Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with 1 publication of “prominent visibility”
- An interview of one of Premiere Sponsor’s top executives will be featured in the portal banks.com.gr.
- The Premiere Sponsor will receive forty (40) invitations to the forum.
- The Premiere Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
SPONSOR (6,000€ + VAT)
- A Sponsor’s executive will participate in the forum’s virtual fireside chats (one-on-one 15’ interviews).
- The Sponsor’s logo will be placed on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section and pages of presentations-speeches).
- The Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page on the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 100 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’), marketing material (up to 10 MB). In addition, up to six (6) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Sponsor will be visible on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages etc.).
- The Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with one (1) publication
- The Sponsor will receive thirty (30) invitations to the forum.
- The Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
- The Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Associate Sponsor’s logo will be placed on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section and pages of presentations-speeches).
- The Associate Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand” on the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 80 words), marketing material (up to 6 MB). In addition, up to four (4) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Associate Sponsor will be visible on promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages etc.).
- The Associate Sponsor will receive twenty (20) invitations to the forum.
- The Associate Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
- The Associate Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The logo will be placed on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section and pages of presentations-speeches)
- The Sponsor will receive ten (10) invitations to the forum.
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Sponsor will receive ten (10) invitations to the forum.
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
1st participation: 220€ + VAT
2nd participation: 190€ + VAT
3rd participation and more: 160€ + VAT
Benefits for individual participations
- Participation in the Forum
- Certificate of attendance (will be sent by email)
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the Forum (including presentations, videos and photos).