Coronavirus crisis: an opportunity
for the Greek Health System
The much-needed reform of the Greek Health System will be the focus of the 11th Pharma & Health Conference, which will take place on Thursday 16 July (10:00-13:00) & Friday 17 July (10:00-15:00) through LiveOn, ethosEVENTS’ new digital platform for online Conferences and Events.
The main discussion topics are the following:
- Reorganization of the National Health System
- upport and Development of Primary Healthcare
- Monitoring of EOPYY’s Outpatient Pharmaceutical Expenditure
- Use of Digital Solutions in the Healthcare Sector
The Conference is organized by ethosEVENTS, the web site virus.com.gr on health care and Pharma & Health Business magazine on health policies.
Medical editor Emilios Negis will be the program director.
The main discussion topics are the following:
1. Reorganization of the National Health System
- Funding
- Administration and organization
- Public and Private sectors’ synergies
- Investments
2. Support and Development of Primary Healthcare
- Collaboration with private medical practices
- Incentives for young doctors
- The future of Regional Healthcare Services
- Prevention and treatment
3. Monitoring of EOPYY’s Outpatient Pharmaceutical Expenditure
- Memorandum of Collaboration between the Ministry of Health and the Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (SFEE)
- Measures to control demand
- Exemption of vaccination expenses
- Exemption of funds for the uninsured
4. Use of Digital Solutions in the Healthcare Sector
- Coordination of electronic prescriptions and diagnostic tests systems
- Implementation of telemedicine
- Electronic health records.
Who Should Attend
- Chief officers from the Ministry of Health
- Managing directors of the Hellenic Healthcare Organization (EOPYY) and the Hellenic Pharmaceutical Organization (EOF)
- Executives from various Regional Healthcare Authorities and hospitals
- Renowned doctors and researchers
- Journalists
- Pharmaceutical and medical technology companies’ executives
16 July
- 10:001st DAY: Start Time
- 10:05-10:10Opening Remark: Emilios Negis
- 10:10-11:00Round Table I: «Reorganization of the National Health System: Political Parties Positions»
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist
- 11:30-12:20Round Table IΙ: «Reorganization of the National Health System: Specialists and Institutional Positions»
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist
Speakers:- Dr. Athanasios A. ExadaktylosPlastic Surgeon, Chairman of Panhellenic Medical Association
- Yannis Tountas, MD, MPH, PhDProfessor of Social and Preventive Medicine, Medical School- University of Athens
- John KyriopoulosProfessor Emeritus of Health Economics, Department of Health Economics, National School of Public Health
- Katerina KoutsogianniPresident, Panhellenic Federation of Patients Parents, Caregivers and Friends of Children with Rheumatic Diseases Associations "ReuMazein", President, Greek Patient Association & EUPATI Fellow
- 12:20-12:25Conclusions – End of the 1st Day of the Conference
17 July
- 10:002nd DAY: Start Time
- 10:00-10:10Opening Remark: Emilios Negis
- 10:10-11:10Round Table III: «Support and Development of Primary Healthcare»
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist
Speakers:- Evangelos Fragkoulis, MD, MHAGeneral Practitioner / Family Physician, Secretary General Hellenic Academy of General Practice / Family Medicine & PHC
- Kyriakos SouliotisProfessor of Health Policy, Dean, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Peloponnese, Greece
- Markos OllandezosDirector, Scientific Affairs, Panhellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Industry (PEF)
- Christos Lionis, MD, PhD, FRCGP(Hon), FWONCA, FESProfessor of General Practice and Primary Health Care, Medical Faculty, University of Crete, and at the Institute of Medicine and Health, Medical Faculty, University of Linkoping, Sweden
- Stamatis Vardarosex Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Health
- Panayotis PrezerakosΓενικός Γραμματέας Δημόσιας Υγείας, Υπουργείο Υγείας
- 11:30-11:50Corporate Presentation: Babis Tzanakis
11.45-11.50 Q&Α
Title: “Access to new pharmaceutical technologies: from challenge to solution”
- 12:05-13:05Round Table IV: «Monitoring of EOPYY's Outpatient Pharmaceutical Expenditure»
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist
Speakers:- Kostas AthanasakisAssistant Professor in Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment, University of West Attica
- Nikos KostarasGeneral Manager, IQVIA Hellas
- Theodoros E. TryfonCo/CEO of the Elpen Group, President of the Panhellenic Union of Pharmaceutical Industries (PEF), Member of the Board of Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV)
- Zachary RagousisPresident & Managing Director, Pfizer Hellas
- Vassilis Kontozamanis, MSc, MBADeputy Minister of Health
- 13:25-13:45Interview: Nico Gariboldi
Title: “Pfizer’s Digital Hub in Thessaloniki”
13:40-13:45 Q&Α
- Round Table V: «Use of Digital Solutions in the Healthcare Sector»
- 13:45-14:00Speech: Ioannis Kotsiopoulos PhD, MSc, PGDip, BSc
Title: “The proposal of the Ministry of Health for the digital transformation of Health”
- 14:00-15:00Round Table V
Moderator: Emilios Negis, Journalist
Speakers: - 15:0-15:05Conclusions – End of the 2nd Day of the Conference
GOLD SPONSOR (15.000€ + VAT)
- A Gold Sponsor’s executive will deliver a 15’ speech at the conference.
- A Gold Sponsor’s executive will participate in one of the forum’s panels.
- The Gold Sponsor’s logo will have a highly prominent position on visuals of the conference (main website of the forum, initial page of the online event’s platform, initial page of the Sponsors’ section, pages of presentations-speeches and on all pages of the presentation of the Sponsor’s executive who will participate in the event as a speaker).
- The Gold Sponsor will have a prominent position on banners in the internal pages of the digital event’s platform.
- A Gold Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to three (3) times during the forum’s main program.
- The Gold Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page in a prominent position of the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors’ section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 200 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’) and digital marketing material (up to 30 MB) for downloading. In addition, up to ten (10) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the conference. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Gold Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- The Gold Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with two (2) publications of “prominent visibility” which will be posted for one week each during the last 2 weeks before the start of the conference. The second publication will have “prominent visibility” for the whole duration of the event.
- An interview of one of Gold Sponsor’s top executives will be featured in the portal virus.com.gr and Ph.B Pharma & Health Business magazine.
- The Gold Sponsor will receive fifty (50) invitations to the conference.
- The Gold Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
- For one month after the end of the conference, the Gold Sponsor will be entitled to request the organization of a closed digital event on the portal virus.com.gr, with the support and according to the standards of ethosEVENTS. During this event, the sponsor’s executive’s presentation at the conference will be shown again, followed by a Q&A session. The Gold Sponsor will be entitled to invite the audience of his choice to attend the event.
- The Silver Sponsor may choose one of the two following options: 10’ speech at the conference by one of the company’s executives or participation of the executive in one of the forum’s panels.
- The Silver Sponsor’s logo will have a prominent position on visuals of the conference (main website of the forum, initial page of the online event’s platform, initial page of the Sponsors’ section, pages of presentations-speeches and all on pages of the presentation of the Sponsor’s executive who will participate in the event as a speaker).
- A Silver Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to two (2) times during the forum’s main program.
- The Silver Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page in a prominent position of the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors’ section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 200 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’), marketing material (up to 20 MB). In addition, up to eight (8) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the conference. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Silver Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages etc.).
- The Silver Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with one (1) publication of “prominent visibility” which will be posted the week before the start of the conference.
- An interview of one of Silver Sponsor’s top executives will be featured in the portal virus.com.gr.
- The Silver Sponsor will receive forty (40) invitations to the conference.
- The Silver Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Bronze Sponsor’s logo will be placed on visuals of the conference (main website of the forum, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section and pages of presentations-speeches).
- The Bronze Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page on the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 200 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’), marketing material (up to 10 MB). In addition, up to six (6) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the conference. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand
- The Bronze Sponsor will be visible on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages etc.).
- The Bronze Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn).
- The Bronze Sponsor will receive thirty (30) invitations to the conference.
- The Bronze Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Company’s logo will be placed on visuals of the conference (main website of the forum, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section and pages of presentations-speeches).
- The Company is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page on the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 100 words), marketing material (up to 10 MB). In addition, up to two (2) executives of the company will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the conference. The company will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Company will be visible on promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages etc.).
- The Company will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn).
- The Company will receive twenty (20) invitations to the conference.
- The Company’s logo and profile (up to 100 words) will be included in the digital book of the conference which will be available on the initial page of the digital event’s platform and will be sent by email to all participants.
- The Company will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Company’s logo will be placed on visuals of the conference (main website of the forum, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section and pages of presentations-speeches).
- The Company will receive ten (10) invitations to the conference.
- A certificate of attendance of the conference will be sent (by email)
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).
1st participant: 220€ + VAT
2nd participant: 190€ + VAT
3rd participant: 160€ + VAT
Benefits for individual participations
- Participation in the conference
- Certificate of attendance (will be sent by email)
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the conference (including presentations, videos and photos).