After the great success of the 3rd Auto Forum (2019), ethosEVENTS in collaboration with the Road Safety Institute «Panos Mylonas», the economic and business portal banks.com.gr and HRIMA magazine, organize for the 4th time the Auto Forum titled: “Electrification”.
The Forum is under the auspices of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation, the Ministry of Development and Investments and the Hellenic Association of Motor Vehicles Importers Representatives and will take place online, via LiveOn, ethosGROUP’s integrated digital technology for business communication, enabling more people all over Greece and abroad to attend the event from the comfort and safety of their homes.
Through presentations by officers of EU and Hellenic institutional bodies, this forum aims at making clear how far away we still are from the era of electric mobility, not just in terns of time but also of infrastructure, mentality, culture and efficiency of electric power from RES. Entrepreneurs and specialized engineers, professors, car industry executives working on the future technologies will highlight the path to the new “electrified era” of the automotive sector in Greece. The Astypalea experiment will be analyzed in detail so that participants will comprehend its great significance.
Panel 1: Which type of vehicle will prevail in the market, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) or battery electric ones (BEVs)? Is there a future for fuel cells?
- Pros and cons of rechargeable hybrid vehicles (PHEVs)
- Pros and cons of electric vehicles (BEVs)
- Fuel cells
- Transportation with electric vehicles: taxis, buses, trucks.
Panel 2: Promotion of electromobility, infrastructure, networks, power service stations, charging specifications.
- Creation of public charging points, responsibilities of municipalities and regional authorities
- Network adequacy
- Power from RES
- Slow smart-charging or fast-charging?
Panel 3: Road safety, micromobility
- Pros and cons of electric vehicles in passive safety
- Release of person trapped in an electric vehicle
- Leak of battery fluids after a collision
- Co-existence of cars, skates, electric bikes and e-scooters
- Insurance for electric bikes, scooters and cars and public charging systems
Who should attend
The Auto Forum 2021 includes presentations, panels and workshops addressed to different groups of professionals who share one common characteristic: they are all involved in the automotive industry and the micromobility sector in Greece:
- Car importers: top executives who work in car imports companies seeking to inform the public on the new technologies offered by the manufacturer they represent
- Insurance sector: insurance executives who have every reason to invest in anything that may contribute to a decrease in traffic accidents in Greece, such as new vehicles
- NGOs involved in road safety
- Specialized Press
- Institutional bodies: regional authorities, municipalities, Special Standing Committee of the Greek Parliament on road safety, Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, political parties, traffic police, fire department, Emergency Medical Services
- Association of Greek Transport Specialists
- Private Centers of Vehicle Technical Control
- 10:00Start Time
- 10:05-10:10Introductory Speech: Takis Pournarakis
- 10:10-10:25Institutional Greeting: Giannis Kefalogiannis
- 10:25-10:35Institutional Greeting: Kostas Fragogiannis
- 10:35-10:45Institutional Greeting: Alexandra Sdoukou
- 10:45-10:55Institutional Greeting: George Vassilakis
- 11:20-11:30Corporate Presentation: Antonios Evangeloulis
Title: "Shaping Future Transportation"
- 11:30-11:40Corporate Presentation: Antonis Adanalis
Title: “BMW & Electro-Mobility in Greece”
- 11:40-11:50Corporate Presentation: Andreas Christoforidis
Title: Pioneering in the Evolution towards Electrification
- 11:50-12:00Corporate Presentation: Konstantinos Karathanasis
- 12:00-12:50Panel I: «Which type of vehicle will prevail in the market, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) or battery electric ones (BEVs)? Is there a future for fuel cells? »
Moderator: Takis Pournarakis, Mechanical Engineer/Journalist
Speakers:- Konstantinos KalimerisBrokers and Car Manufacturers Manager, Allianz Greece
- Andreas ChristoforidisManaging Director of HYUNDAI, KIA, SEAT and CUPRA in Vassilakis Group of Companies
- Antonis AdanalisSales Operations & Electro-Mobility Manager, BMW Group Hellas
- Antonios EvangeloulisSales & Marketing Director Commercial Vehicles, Mercedes-Benz Hellas
- Takis PournarakisMechanical Engineer - Journalist
- Konstantinos KarathanasisMarketing Manager FCA Greece
- 13:05-13:15Corporate Presentation: Nikos Prezas
Title: “Volkswagen Way to ZERO: Accelerating for a cleaner planet”
- 13:15-13:25Speech: Dimitris Papastergiou
- 13:25-13:35Corporate Presentation: Kyriakos Kofinas
- 13:35-13:45Speech: Dr. Antonios Kladas
Title:“Challenges and perspectives of electrification actions in Greece”
- 13:45-13:55Speech: Dr. Panagiotis Rovolis
Title: "Team Prometheus of NTUA, a precursor action for Greek electric vehicle construction”
- 13:55-14:35Panel II: «Promotion of electromobility, infrastructure, networks, power service stations, charging specifications»
Moderator: Nikos Tsadaris, Civil Engineer - Journalist
Speakers:- Kyriakos KofinasChief E - Mobility Officer, PPC S.A
- Nikolaos PrezasΔιευθυντής Πωλήσεων & Marketing, Volkswagen
- Dr Panagiotis RovolisLaboratory Teaching Staff, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
- Dr. Antonios KladasΚαθηγητής ΕΜΠ, Σχολή Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών
- Nikos TsadarisCivil Engineer - Journalist
- 14:50-15:05Speech:
Title: «The road of Prom Racing towards the manufacturing of its first electric racing car»
- 15:05-15:20Speech: Ioannis Roussis
Title: “Upcoming trends towards a sustainable electric vehicle charging future”
- 15:20-15:30Speech: Emmanouel Brouzas
- 15:30-15:40Speech: Dudley Curtis
Title: “Micromobility: an EU perspective”
- 15:40-16:20Panel III: «Road safety, Micromobility»
Moderator: Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona, President of the Board of Directors, Hellenic Road Safety Institute - RSI “Panos Mylonas”
Speakers:- Ioannis RoussisSenior Product Manager, KIA Motors Europe
- Emmanouel BrouzasMechanical Engineer and Aeronautical Engineer, Technical Manager, Hellenic Road Safety Institute - RSI “Panos Mylonas”
- Dudley CurtisCommunications Manager, European Transport Safety Council (ETSC)
- Dimitris SkiannisJournalist, Chief Editor, GetElectric.gr
- Konstantinos AlexopoulosMarketing Director, Prom Racing
- Efstathios PanourgiasTeam Leader, Prom Racing
- 16:20Conclusions – End of the Conference
LEAD SPONSOR (12,000€ + VAT)
- A Sponsor’s executive will deliver a ten-minute (10’) speech at the forum.
- A Sponsor’s executive will participate in one of the forum’s panels.
- The Sponsor is entitled to one closed panel discussions of 1.5 hours’ duration and 100 participants each (maximum number), which will take part in parallel with the main forum in separate digital halls (the participants of the closed panels will also have the possibility to attend the works of the main forum and network with other participants). The Sponsor will be responsible for the organization of each closed panel discussion with the use of LiveOn’s embedded zoom facility.
- The Sponsor’s logo will have a highly prominent position on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the online event’s platform, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section, pages of presentations-speeches and all pages of the presentation of the Sponsor’s executive who will participate in the event as a speaker).
- The Sponsor will have a prominent position on banners in the internal pages of the digital event’s platform.
- A Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to three (3) times during the forum’s main program.
- The Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page in a prominent position of the digital forum’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors’ section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 200 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’) and digital marketing material (up to 30 MB) for downloading. In addition, up to ten (10) executivesof the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- The Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with two (2) publications of “prominent visibility”.
- An interview of one of Sponsor’s top executives will be featured in the portal banks.com.gr and HRIMA magazine.
- The Sponsor will receive fifty (50) invitations to the forum.
- The Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
- The Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- A Sponsor’s executive will participate in one of the forum’s panels.
- The Sponsor is entitled to one closed panel discussions of 1.5 hours’ duration and 100 participants each (maximum number), which will take part in parallel with the main forum in separate digital halls (the participants of the closed panels will also have the possibility to attend the works of the main forum and network with other participants). The Sponsor will be responsible for the organization of each closed panel discussion with the use of LiveOn’s embedded zoom facility.
- The Sponsor’s logo will have a highly prominent position on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the online event’s platform, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section, pages of presentations-speeches and all pages of the presentation of the Sponsor’s executive who will participate in the event as a speaker).
- A Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to two (2) times during the forum’s main program.
- The Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page in a prominent position of the digital forum’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors’ section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 150 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’) and digital marketing material (up to 20 MB) for downloading. In addition, up to eight (8) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- The Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with one (1) publications of “prominent visibility”.
- An interview of one of Sponsor’s top executives will be featured in the portal banks.com.gr.
- The Sponsor will receive forty (40) invitations to the forum.
- The Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
- The Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
SPONSOR (6,000€ + VAT)
- A Sponsor’s executive will participate in one of the forum’s panels
- The Sponsor’s logo will have a position on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the online event’s platform, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section, pages of presentations-speeches and all pages of the presentation of the Sponsor’s executive who will participate in the event as a speaker).
- The Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page in a prominent position of the digital forum’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors’ section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 100 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’) and digital marketing material (up to 10 MB) for downloading. In addition, up to six (4) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Sponsor will have a position on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- The Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with one (1) publication.
- The Sponsor will receive thrith (30) invitations to the forum.
- The Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
- The Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Sponsor’s logo will have a position on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the online event’s platform, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section, pages of presentations-speeches and all pages of the presentation of the Sponsor’s executive who will participate in the event as a speaker).
- The Associate Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page in a prominent position of the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 80 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’), digital marketing material (up to 6 MB) for downloading. In addition, up to four (4) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Sponsor will be visible on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages etc.)
- The Sponsor is entitled to twenty (20) invitations to the forum.
- The Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The logo will be placed on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section and pages of presentations-speeches)
- The Sponsor will receive ten (10) invitations to the forum.
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Sponsor will receive ten (10) invitations to the forum.
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
1st participation (230 €+ VAT)
2nd participation (210€ + VAT)
3rd participation and more (190 €+ VAT)
Benefits for individual participations
- Participation in the Forum
- Certificate of attendance (will be sent by email)
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the Forum (including presentations, videos and photos).