The first Coffee Business Forum titled “Coffee shops after the market reopening” will take place on Friday 28 May 2021. The event is organized by ethosEVENTS, the portal coffeemag.gr and Coffee+Brunch magazine through LiveOn, ethosGROUP’s integrated digital technology on business communication, which brings together people from all over Greece and abroad, enabling them to participate in the event from the comfort and safety of their homes.
ethosEVENTS, always at the forefront of new technologies with innovative actions and initiatives, aims at establishing this event as an institution in the coffee sector, by offering professionals and entrepreneurs involved in the coffee market and other market sectors a platform where they will be able to exchange opinions, discuss and make their own suggestions. The main objective of this event is to encourage new partnerships and offer participants various business opportunities through networking.
Despite that the difficult times of the pandemic are not yet behind us, ethosEVENTS organizes the Coffee Business Forum 2021 and invites professionals involved in the coffee shop sector as well as institutional and government representatives, to define the new landscape and share their thoughts and ideas for the future, with a single common objective: to boost the coffee market, which has undergone a dramatic transformation and suffered a serious blow in the last months due to the coronavirus.
Program coordinator: Mr. Kostas Kaperonis, Sales Director, Coffee Business and Mrs. Katerina Theodoropoulou, Journalist.
During the works of the Coffee Business Forum 2021, participants will have the opportunity to attend a Closed (Digital) Workshop (duration of 1,5 to 2 hours) where companies’ executives will meet with government officials and representatives of institutional organizations. The agenda of the workshop will include presentations and targeted discussions on specific topics, with the participation of the speakers, the Coordinator and Sponsors’ executives.
Participation in the workshops will be free of charge for representatives of Conference Sponsors (Distinguished Corporate Participation, Bronze, Silver, Gold Sponsors) according to the benefits of their chosen sponsorship program.
In addition, participants will have the option to take part in scheduled digital B2B Meetings with the attendees of the Conference, of a maximum duration of 15 minutes. The meetings will take place in the secure and private environment of LiveOn, ethosGROUP’s integrated digital technology for business communication. The meetings will be organized in parallel with the works of the main forum, taking into account the availability of the Sponsors’ Executives.
The main objective of the Β2Β Meetings is to offer reliable and accurate information by professionals of the coffee sector as well as to create invaluable networking opportunities.
PANEL I: “Incentives and government initiatives for the reinforcement of the coffee sector and coffee shop businesses”
In the first panel, politicians and representatives of government and economic institutions will share their views and exchange opinions on the future of the coffee sector, the hurdles it will have to surpass and the steps that need to be concluded to help businesses recover. The participants will review the action taken by the government and institutional authorities to support entrepreneurs during the market lock-down, when the coffee shop sector suffered a major hit. In addition, they will evaluate the new situation, from the first days of the pandemic until now, and they will discuss the incentives and overall support offered for the re-opening of coffee businesses as well as other burning issues, such as VAT reduction and excise duties.
Indicative discussion topics:
- Economic support during the lock-down
- The government’s new plans for the support of coffee shops
- Subsidies
- Excise duties
- Taxation-related measures – tax reliefs
PANEL II: “The new protocols for the reopening of coffee shops and the post-pandemic reality”
This panel will discuss the new reality and the problems brought by the corona-virus and its impact on the economy and society, which professionals of the coffee sector face on a daily basis. The participants will analyze proposals and ideas for the return of coffee shops to normality, always taking into consideration the protective measures that will have to be applied. The main focus will be on the lessons taught by the difficult times of the pandemic, successful practices and innovations and the trends that are here to stay, such as delivery and take-away.
Indicative discussion topics:
- How difficult is it for a coffee shop to survive during a pandemic?
- Personnel education and behavioral training
- Compliance with protective measures
- Profitable practices and innovations developed during the pandemic which are here to stay
- Delivery and take-away: adaptation to the new reality
PANEL IIΙ: “The future of coffee businesses: strategies – investments – success stories”
After the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, coffee sales in super markets went up as most people stayed in their homes. At the same time, consumers started experimenting with new coffee varieties and coffee capsules, when making their own coffee in their kitchens. Apart from the above topics and the presentations of relevant data, this panel will place emphasis on companies’ investment plans and their goals for the immediate future. This session is an ideal opportunity for companies to present and develop their business strategies as well as start a conversation on environment protection and sustainable development.
Indicative discussion topics:
- How did the pandemic lead to an increase in coffee sales in super markets and domestic consumption in general?
- What investments will coffee companies focus on?
- What will their strategies be?
- Coffee businesses’ objectives and focus.
- How does the rise in the demand of coffee products affect environmental sustainability? What can we do to protect the ecosystem?
PANEL IV: “How will coffee suppliers deal with the new market reality? Plans – Goals – Investments”
Lockdowns and self-isolation led people to consuming more coffee at home and purchasing more advanced coffee machines and high-quality or even professional products-raw materials (such as chocolate beverages, bottled water or coffee filters, which play a key role in the end result). Consequently, big coffee companies started investing more in household equipment, while water and soft-drinks companies and suppliers drew up new strategic plans in anticipation of consumers’ needs. In this session, participants will be able to assess the results of the previous term and elaborate on future goals.
Indicative discussion topics:
- How did the pandemic lead to an increase in sales of household equipment?
- What investments will coffee equipment companies make?
- How did the pandemic affect suppliers?
- What policies and strategies will companies and professionals of the coffee sector apply in the near future?
Who Should Attend?
- Companies involved in the market of coffee and coffee shops in Greece and abroad
- Coffee shop entrepreneurs
- Baristi
- Suppliers
- Professionals and specialized executives who work for institutions, organizations and companies of the coffee sector
- Members of commercial chambers and associations
- Franchising companies’ executives
- Event Organizers and Food & Beverages’ executives
- Bank and Factoring companies’ executives
- Insurance executives
- Transportation and Logistics companies’ executives
- Standardization and Certification organizations’ executives
- Communications, Internet and Mobility Marketing-Social Media companies’ executives
- Graphic Arts and Marketing companies’ executives
- Online Marketplaces’ executives
- Hotels and Tourism executives
- 09:00Start Time
- 09:00-09:05Welcoming – Introduction to the Forum topic: Kostas Kaperonis
- 09:05-09:10Welcoming – Introduction to the Forum topic: Katerina Theodoropoulou
- 09:10-09:20Institutional Greeting: Panagiotis Stampoulidis
- 09:20-09:30Institutional Greeting: Giorgos Kavvathas
- 09:30-09:40Institutional Greeting: Giannos V. Benopoulos
- 09:40-10:40PANEL I: "Incentives and government initiatives for the reinforcement of the coffee sector and coffee shop businesses"
Moderator: Christos Konstas, Journalist, Head of Content, ethosMEDIA
Speakers:- Christos KonstasProgramme Manager – Head of Content, ethosMEDIA
- Giannos V. BenopoulosFounding Member & President, Hellenic Coffee Association (HCA)
- Stefanos SakarosPresident, Coffee Roasters Business Association
- Giorgos KavvathasPresident, Panhellenic Federation of Restaurant Enterprises
- Panagiotis StampoulidisExecutive Director at Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF)
- 10:40-10:55NETWOKING BREAK
- 10:55-11:40PANEL II: "The new protocols for the reopening of coffee shops and the postpandemic reality"
Moderator: Katerina Theodoropoulou, Journalist
Speakers:- Katerina TheodoropoulouJournalist, Eleftheros Tupos
- Stavros LamprinidisCoffee Consultant, AST Authorized SCA Trainer, WCE Certified Judge
- Alexandros PapadoulisOwner Palazzo Cafe, Agios Nikolaos, Crete
- Dimitrios KoronakisLawyer, Managing Partner, “Koronakis & Associates” Law Firm
- Giannis ChatzitheodosiouPresident of the Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce (UHCC)
- 11:40-11:50NETWOKING BREAK
- 11:50-12:05Speech: Ioannis Smyrlis
- SECTION 1: "The future of coffee businesses: strategies – investments – success stories"
- 12:05-12:15Speech: Yiannis Taloumis
Title: “Passion & Patience”
- 12:15-12:25Speech: Antonis Avgeropoulos
Title: «Nespresso: From the beginning to the results»
- 12:25-12:35Speech: Tatiani Z. Cambiotis
Title: “Sustainability & Innovation (Roastelier /Garden Gourmet /Wunda)”
- 12:45-12:55Speech: Panagiotis Haskos
Title: “Shaping the future of coffee”
- 12:55-13:05NETWOKING BREAK
- 13:05-13:20Speech: Aliki Papadaki
- SECTION 2: “How will coffee suppliers deal with the new market reality? Plans – Goals – Investments”
- 13:40-13:50Speech: Eleftherios Makridakis
Title: "Novello Chocolate Drink": The chocolate culture and the developments in the new market data.
- 13:50-14:00Conclusions – End of the Conference
- 14:00-15:15Β2Β Μeetings
through LiveOn, ethosGROUP’s integrated digital platform for business communication
- 15:15-15:30NETWOKING BREAK
- 15:30-17:00Closed (Digital) Workshop for Executives and Representatives of Institutional Authorities
LEAD SPONSOR (12,000€ + VAT)
- Four (4) Sponsor’s executives will participate in the Closed (Digital) Workshop for Executives and Representatives of Institutional Authorities.
- A Lead Sponsor’s executive will deliver a 10’ speech at the forum.
- A Lead Sponsor’s executive will participate in one of the forum panels.
- The Lead Sponsor’s logo will have a highly prominent position on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the online event’s platform, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section, pages of presentations-speeches and all pages of the presentation of the Sponsor’s executive who will participate in the event as a speaker).
- The Lead Sponsor will have a prominent position on banners in the internal pages of the digital event’s platform.
- A Lead Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to three (3) times during the forum’s main program.
- The Lead Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page in a prominent position of the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 200 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’), digital marketing material (up to 30 MB) for downloading. In addition, up to ten (10) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Lead Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages, assessment reports etc.).
- The Lead Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with 2 publications of “prominent visibility”
- Articles of two (2) pages will be featured in the Coffee+Brunch magazine.
- Τhree (3) articles will be featured in the portal coffeemag.gr.
- The Lead Sponsor will receive fifty (50) invitations to the forum.
- The Lead Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
- The Lead Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- Three (3) Sponsor’s executives will participate in the Closed (Digital) Workshop for Executives and Representatives of Institutional Authorities.
- A Premiere Sponsor’s executive will deliver a 10’ speech at the forum.
- The Premiere Sponsor’s logo will have a prominent position on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the online event’s platform, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section, pages of presentations-speeches and all pages of the presentation of the Sponsor’s executive who will participate in the event as a speaker).
- A Premiere Sponsor’s promotional spot (maximum duration of 20’’) will be shown in advertising slots, up to two (2) times during the forum’s main program.
- The Premiere Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page in a prominent position of the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 150 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’), marketing material (up to 20 MB). In addition, up to eight (8) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Premiere Sponsor will have a prominent position on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages etc.).
- The Premiere Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with 1 publication of “prominent visibility”
- Articles of one (1) page will be featured in the Coffee+Brunch magazine.
- Τwo (2) articles will be featured in the portal coffeemag.gr.
- The Premiere Sponsor will receive forty (40) invitations to the forum.
- The Premiere Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
- The Premiere Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
SPONSOR (6,000€ + VAT)
- Two (2) Sponsor’s executives will participate in the Closed (Digital) Workshop for Executives and Representatives of Institutional Authorities.
- A Sponsor’s executive will participate in one of the forum panels.
- The Sponsor’s logo will be placed on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section and pages of presentations-speeches).
- The Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand”-presentation page on the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 100 words), promotional video provided by the sponsor (maximum duration of 5’), marketing material (up to 10 MB). In addition, up to six (6) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Sponsor will be visible on all promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages etc.).
- The Sponsor will be promoted on the organizer’s and the event’s social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) with one (1) publication.
- One (1) article will be featured in the portal coffeemag.gr.
- The Sponsor will receive thirty (30) invitations to the forum.
- The Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
- The Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- A Associate Sponsor’s executive will participate in the Closed (Digital) Workshop for Executives and Representatives of Institutional Authorities.
- The Associate Sponsor’s logo will be placed on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section and pages of presentations-speeches).
- The Associate Sponsor is entitled to an “electronic stand” on the digital event’s platform, more specifically in the Sponsors Hall section. This page may include: the company’s logo, a company profile (up to 80 words), marketing material (up to 6 MB). In addition, up to four (4) executives of the sponsor will be able to connect and communicate online with participants through this page during the forum. The sponsor will automatically be notified of participants’ contact information (e-business cards) upon their entrance to the “electronic stand”.
- The Associate Sponsor will be visible on promotional materials of the event (newsletters, e-mail updates, landing pages etc.).
- The Associate Sponsor will receive twenty (20) invitations to the forum.
- The Associate Sponsor is entitled to place promotional material in the event’s digital bag.
- The Associate Sponsor will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The logo will be placed on visuals of the forum (main website of the forum, initial page of the Sponsors Hall section and pages of presentations-speeches)
- The Sponsor will receive ten (10) invitations to the forum.
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
- The Sponsor will receive ten (10) invitations to the forum.
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).
1st participant: 220€ + VAT.
2nd participant: 190€ + VAT.
3rd participant: 160€ + VAT.
Benefits for individual participations
- Participation in the forum
- Certificate of attendance (will be sent by email)
- Online exchange of contact details and communication with speakers, participants and Sponsors’ executives, through the event’s Networking Hub.
- All participants will receive a detailed report of the forum (including presentations, videos and photos).